Status: Chaptered, Active (:

More Than it Seems


life (laif): a period of existence between birth and death.
dream (dreem): too good to be true; ideal.
reality (ree-al-i-tee): the state or quality of being real.
hope (hohp): to feel that what is wanted may be had.

"Life is simple, yet we make it so complex."

There's this feeling that you get when you wake up, thinking that everything you had remembered just happened, happened. That is, until you realize that, unfortunately, it was all just a dream. A heartwrenchingly manipulative dream. No, the guy that you like will not break up with his amazingly beautiful girlfriend of two and a half years for you, just because he glanced at you from across the room and began this entirely cliche movie montage. No, Pokemon will not suddenly summon themselves from your deck of cards stashed away in the darkest corner of your room and automatically come to life so that your ten-year-old self could venture off into the world of the unknown. No, you will not travel back in time just to be randomly recruited by an underground assassination organization within the convent to murder the president in a foreign country, even though you wish you could. No, you will not break into a horribly uncalled for song and dance number in the cafeteria at school where everyone suddenly comes together to sing about their issues. And, no, you will not bump into a poorly disguised Gerard Way or Taylor Lautner at the supermarket down the road on some random day, claim it as love at first sight, hitch to Vegas, and get married to start the rest of your happy little teenage life. Yeah, highly unlikely.

Despite the fact that you wish you opened your eyes each morning to something just as amazing and even slightly magical, you can't. Sorry to bring your hopes down, but once you finally manage to leave your little fantasy behind in the dust, you're going to run straight into a little something I've been taught to call reality. And, man, you're going to hit it hard.

This is what I used to think life was about. I thought life was supposed to be some overly exaggerated experience that really wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. Just because it was only four letters doesn't automatially make it easy. There's no button you can press to fast forward the sad parts, or to just delete the bad parts altogether. Life was supposed to be an inevitable journey into insanity, constantly mustering up these unrealistic goals and aspirations that you knew you will never even come close to encounter in your lifetime. There's a reason why some decide to rid themselves of this obvious torture. I coudn't blame them, in all honesty. I used to think they were the ones being spared, not the rest of us left to rot on this Earth, no thanks to global warming.

But, the thing is, no matter how pessimistic you could be, you realize that some things, despite how absolutely horrible your past may have been, are actually blessings in disguise. "The best things in life aren't free." Sometimes, at the end of the tunnel to every scary maze, you can find an opening to a light that is finally believable. Unfortunately, I had to learn that the hard way. I mean, you can't have a rainbow without a little rain, right?

It only had to take one simple day on one lonely night in the little town of Calyx, Maine to change everything I ever believed in. But, trust me on this one, it was surely no leap through a field of daisies.