Status: Chaptered, Active (:

More Than it Seems

Chapter Two

After quickly examining the bar scene in a once-over, I exhaled with a hint of disappointment. It was only the fourth night of the week and I was already stressed out from my life outside of The Cirque. There were only a couple people scattered throughout the bar tonight, but they were rowdy enough to make one person seem like four. “This is going to be a long night…” I mumbled as I shook my head while luscious brunette spirals bounced atop my lean shoulders and onto my perfectly arched back.

Dissolving the space between me and the unattended bar counter, I ambled toward the stash of hard liquor and dirty shot glasses as I agitatedly yanked the edges of my loaned uniform lower down my thighs to more or less prevent any motivated sexual innuendos.

Since my father had always been away on constant business trips for a majority of my life, I had adapted to a fairly independent lifestyle with my own strict set of morals to live by. As peculiar as it was, I chose to work at a bar in an atmosphere that I hypocritically refused to allow myself to get involved with. In truth, I have always been accustomed to the liveliness of upbeat tempos and the drunken nature of humankind. Besides my bedroom, the bar is the only other place I am willing to go to take my mind off of the personal issues that have been weighing down on my shoulders.

Infiltrating the empty space between the marble countertop and the lacquer-filled shelves, I glanced at the charcoal clock that ticked against a single black wall near the entrance. 11:43. I groaned, desperate for the short hand to hover over the 1 while the longer hand strayed behind on the 12. Since I had recently become a legal adult, I was only given a three hour shift. But at this reluctant rate, the next hour and seventeen minutes were going to resemble that of a living hell. In all honesty, I just wanted to go home and take a long overdue rest in the comfort of my King-sized bed, complete with my favorite green polka-dotted comforter confining my petite body to the dainty mattress.

‘I need to stop thinking about it, or this shift is going to seem like ten hours instead.’

Darting my disgruntled eyes from the clock onto the empty stools seated in front of me, I leant my pale body against the counter, delicate fingers grasping the edge of the marble.

Gently lowering my head to focus my blurred vision on the glassy surface of the countertop, I felt my eyes close for an elongated period of time, both palms pressed against the stiff edges of the bar before I raised my head in time to lock my eyes with fierce pools of amber. Seated before me was the image of a man, seemingly in his early to mid-twenties, who had stealthily approached the bar while I blindly kept my guard down.

He had a slightly pale complexion that accentuated his chiseled features. His thick eyebrows hung in a narrowed fashion above his piercing gaze, producing an intense expression directed at me with the aid of his pale lips slightly curled into a barely noticeable smirk. He had broad shoulders that hunched his leant body against the counter, mirroring my current position. Large arms rested on the marble as each thick finger interlocked with the other in a tight ball of flesh. He wore a casual leather jacket over a dark teal t-shirt that, a suave outlook on a casual fashion sense. During the long while I observed him, I had not realized he had been patiently awaiting my service, his soft lips now pressed into a tight line that slightly lured me into his aloof charm.

Forcing myself back to reality, I blinked quickly before clearing my throat of flem, embarrassed at my obvious display of interest. “Uh… I’m sorry about that. What can I do for you?” I asked casually.

The man bore an intense stare into my vulnerable eyes, merely lifting the edges of his lips into another alluring smirk. As I waited for his response, I could not deny the fact that, despite his captivating appeal to my hormones, something was off about him. I couldn’t fully decipher it, but something just didn’t feel right.