Goody, Like Two Shoes

Goody, Like Two Shoes [Seventeen]

Inside the changing room - which was a mere cubicle, with a curtain used as a door - I could hear Frank's foot tapping rhythmically on the other side.

"Are you done in there yet, Sasha?"

"Fra-ank," I whined, "Why did you pick a corset of all things?"

"Sasha!" Frank said, impatient, "Do you want your parents to treat you with respect? If the answer's "yes", just take my advice, and let me see what you look like."

"One minu--"

Too late.

Frank yanked the curtain open, stepping into the cubicle with me as I attempted to hide the cleavage that I never actually realised I had.

Frank smiled, "Put your arms down."


"Don't be awkward, doll; it's not like I've never seen a girl in a corset before."

I let him pull my arms away from my chest, and he wolf-whistled playfully, "With the right hairstyle, that'll just be -- smokin'!"
He put his hands on my waist, "What the hell. Who pulls their jeans up that high?"

I tried to slap his hands away, but Frank succeeded in pulling them down to just under my bellybutton.

"Look at yourself, Sasha." he turned me to look at the mirror, "I'd have never guessed you had that much of a figure; especially with the clothes you wear..."

"Do I look okay?"

He nodded, "You look perfect. One minute, though, let me just get something..."

Frank reappeared seconds later brandishing a studded belt, and he hooked it around my waist, ignoring the fact that the jeans actually had belt loops.

"Out of all the clothes you've tried on, this is just -- wow."

I blushed, "Shut up, Frankie!"

Frank laughed, "It's true. Learn to accept compliments. Okay, anyway, get changed and I'll pay for the clothes."

After leaving the store with a bagful of t-shirts and jeans, Frank pushed me in the direction of the bathrooms, "Put something else on; you're not going to wear that anymore.'

I re-emerged from the bathroom in a plain black t-shirt and blue jeans, and, immediately, Frank pulled my old, white blouse and plain trousers from my hands, shoving them in the nearest trashcan.

"Frank!" I yelped, "My clothes!"

"Now, now, don't be like that! You have perfectly nice, new clothes - courtesy of me." Frank grinned, walking away.

I glared at his back but followed him anyway, "What next?"

"Hair cut, contact lenses, and a surprise." Frank replied simply, swinging the clothes bag at his side, and his right hand linked in mine.

We dawdled around for a while, window shopping.
Frank was my complete opposite; he wanted to look into the windows of record stores and clothes stores that sold nothing but black.
I, on the other hand, was attracted to the windows of office supply stores, in the mood to buy some fancy, new ring binders.

"'When I'm done with you," Frank started, stuffing some pink and white marshmallows into his mouth, "You'll be wanting to burn your folders."

"I highly doubt that."

"Really, sweetie, you know I'm right."

Remind me never to go near Frank Iero again.

I wanted to slap him, too; my parents were going to kill me.

"'I hate you." I mumbled, looking down at my own sandwich.

It was weird. When I looked down, no glasses fell off my nose and onto the table with a clanking noise - like my old, slightly too big, glasses used to do.
Contact lenses took their place.

Frank and I were standing in the bathroom for disabled people.

"'Just put them in, will you?" Frank tuts.

"What if someone in a wheelchair needs to use the bathroom, and we're in here; I could put them in when I get home."

Frank doesn't listen, just carefully places the two, little lenses on my palm.

I whine, "I don't want to touch my eyes; that's just...ew."

It ends up with me looking like I'm crying, and Frank almost blinding me with his pinkie as he puts the lenses in... much to my dislike of having his fingers practically prodding my eyes out.

"You don't hate me, doll; I just spent a quarter on a payphone to call Gerard to tell him to come and hang out with us - to cheer you up. You love me for it." Frank smirked, flicking a piece of something green, slimy and vegetable-like, and doing a little victory dance when it landed in my hair.

"You'll get Gerard fired for taking the afternoon off." I retorted, tossing some bacon in his direction, watching him writhe in his chair when it landed on his jeans.

"Ew, ew, ew, dead pig! Vegetarian in the building! Get it off of me!"

"You think I'm touching your crotch just to move a piece of bacon?"

"I come here all the time. A friend of mine works here, she'll make you look like something from a Hollywood film set."

"But I like my hair, Frank." I try to dissuade him from opening the door into the hair salon.

Frank twines a piece of my brown hair around his index finger, and he tilts his head to the side, smiling innocently, "You're telling me you like having a bush grow out of your scalp? How many mice are taking up residence in there now?"

"Don't get cocky with me." I sigh, "Okay, whatever, I'll get my hair done - but nothing too drastic, yes?"

"Nothing too drastic." he chimes before dragging me into the salon, sitting me down in a seat by the sinks and waltzing over to a girl at the desk; her bright red hair like a traffic light.

They whisper amongst themselves, glancing at me every once in a while, and they finally make their way over to me.

"Sasha, this is Kenzie. Kenzie this is Sasha." Frank grins, rolling on the balls of his feet, "Sash, you're in good hands; so you'll be okay while I go and get phase three of my plan sorted, yeah?"

He doesn't even wait for a reply, just presses his lips to my forehead - and that stuns me - and he gives Kenzie a quick hug, "I won't be long."

When Kenzie begins to wash my hair, I bite the stumps of fingernails that I have left.

"Nervous?" she smiles, reaching for the shampoo.

I nod.

"No need to be, Sasha. Frank wouldn't tell me to give you a hairdo that'd make you look like an idiot; he's too infatuated with you. How long have you been dating?"

"Oh, we're not da--"

She suddenly starts humming along to the song that comes on the radio.

I keep my lips zipped.

Frank's a ball of energy when he reappears at my side with a gobstopper in his hand and white candy powder around his lips.

"Looking good." he grins, taking a lick of the gobstopper - that was at least the size of a small tennis ball - before offering it to me, "Lick?"

I shake my head, "Where's she gone? I mean, I don't have all day to sit around like a fool. I don't even have a mirror!"

"Who? Kenz? Oh, she can't do anything until it sets properly. And, anyways, I requested that you don't see it until it's absolutely finished."

I slap my hand onto his forearm, "Until what sets, Frankie?"

"The dye, of course, silly!"

Gerard eventually turned up, and, as soon as he sat down, he insisted that he was going to buy us all dessert, and that he wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

When he returned, he shoved a slice of chocolate cake towards Frank, put a bowl of strawberry jelly in front of me, and sat down, licking his lips as he dug his spoon into the apple pie on the plate in front of him.

"Loving the hair, sugar," he grinned, looking up at me and spilling pastry down the front of his t-shirt, "Very...adventurous"

"Close your eyes." Frank prods my sides, "Close 'em before I spank you."

I shudder, "Fiiine. Closing the eyes."

Frank's hands land on my hips, slipping under my t-shirt, and he subconsciously rubs my sides, moving me a few paces across the room, "And keep them shut."

He leans forward a little, his lips centimetres away from my ear, "Be prepared to meet the new, improved, and incredibly humpable you."

"Humpable?" I giggle.

"Oh," Frank whispers, laughing, "Of course. I would so do you right now."

"In a non-physical way?"

"All imaginary. No actual penetration whatsoever."


"You know you want me. Badly." he snorts, tickling my sides, "On the count of three, open your eyes. One. Two. Three."

Someone else stares back at me; a different person completely.

Frank runs his fingers through my choppy, pink and black fringe, "Do you like it?"

I feel myself getting teary eyed, "Oh, Frankie, it's amazing!"

Never would I have thought I'd get black and pink, straight and shiny, jaw length hair that was spiked up at the back.

"Don't start to cry, you!" Frank smiles, cuddling me from behind, "You'll wreck your contact lenses. Okay, I lie. I'll start to cry, too!"