Status: Preparing to be re-written.

25 To Life


I paid the cab fifteen pounds, (which is about twenty-five American dollars) when we reached the coffee shop.

I spotted Mikey right away; he was the only one standing out in the freezing cold with his slightly teased hair and tight clothes.

“Mikeh!” I yelled getting out of the cab and walking over to him. He looked over and grinned.

“My god Ems look at you!” he said using my nickname he gave me when we where little. Then he looked at my belly. “Are you pregnant?” he asked with his eye popping out.

“Yes ‘m pregnant, ‘ow do you ‘ave more Swedish accent then me?” I asked at we walked into the coffee house.

“I moved to Sweden for few years. That is not the point, who got you pregnant?” He asked pulling a chair out at a table for me and sitting down himself.

“Dad did.” I whispered so no one but him would hear. “’E also told me tat ‘e’s in love wif me and ‘e as’ed me teh be ‘is girlfriend.” I also whispered to him.

“So you are his girlfriend?” I nodded. “Anything else I should know?”

“’M not allowed teh call ‘im dad aneh mo’ and technicalleh the babeh will be yer brother.” I whispered again.

“When do you leave for the airport?” He asked.

“I ‘ave teh be there befo’ nine. The fligh’ leaves a’ nine. I don’ know much details because dad ‘ad teh go on set. ‘E said ‘e will call when ‘e get’s off.” I said and he nodded in understanding.

“I am going with you.” He told me. I looked at him like he was crazy.

“Wha?! Wha’ are yeh going teh do?” I said getting up with him and got our coats on.

“Nothing. How long is it going to be?” he asked opening the door for me and we walked into the cold air.

“There is five mo’ monfs left.” I said getting a cab.

“Alright I will pick you up tomorrow at eight-thirty. Call me when you get off of the phone with dad tonight.” He said and gave me a hug as the cab pulled up to us.


“’Ey babeh.” I heard dad breath over the phone.

“’Ey ‘ow was the show?”

“I’ was grea’ the fans ‘ave been crazeh. This woman she looked nineteh, she tried teh stick
‘er toung down me froat. I’ jus’ weren’ cool.” He said with a disgusted voice. “I can’ wai’ teh see yeh, I miss yeh ‘ell everehone misses yeh.”

“Awe I miss yeh teh. Um I ‘ave teh tell yeh something.” I said getting quiet at the end.

“Wha’ is I’? The babeh is fin’ righ’?” H asked getting scared.

“Yeah the babeh is fine, ‘s just that Mikeh, ‘e is coming wif me teh go back on to’.” I said kind of hesitant.

“WHA’? Did yeh say no?”

“Not exactleh.”

“Well wha’ did yeh say teh ‘im?”

“I said that ‘e can come. I didn’ think I’ would be a big deal.”

“I’ is a big deal, I mean ‘ow ar’ weh goin’ teh ‘ave sex wif yer brova on the bus?”

“‘Ow will we ‘ave sex wif me big fat ugleh belleh in the way?” I laughed.

“Yer belleh ‘s no’ ugleh ‘s sexeh.”


I finished talking to dad and I just got off of the phone with Mikey. He was going to pick me up here tomorrow or today seeing that it’s twelve O’ clock. Then we would be at the airport by 8:30 and our flight would be called by 8:45 and then we would be flying to Germany Hamburg to be exact.

“Ugh I ‘ave teh get teh bed.” I said walking into the house after putting my cigarette out.

I walked to mine and dad’s bedroom took off my makeup and changed into a pair of dad’s sleeping boxers and one of his oversized Drop Dead shirts and snuggled into the covers.

I fell asleep rubbing my growing belly and thinking about the man that has my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠

Polyvore is being mean!!! go to this link ( to see Emma's outfit!!