Status: Preparing to be re-written.

25 To Life


Damn I am so fucking tired. I got little to no sleep last night because the baby kept kicking all night. Mikey and I were now in the cab in Berlin Germany on our way to the venue address that dad had texted me.

We pulled up to the BMTH buss about twenty minutes later. Mikey grabbed our bags see how I was five months prego and can’t lift anything heavy. I punched in the code and let Mikey on first then I walked on before I closed and locked the door.

“Mikeh? Is tat yeh?” I heard dad ask Mikey.

“Yeah dad it is me.” Mikey said then dad sucked in a breath and then I finished waddling up the steps, but no one saw me yet.

“Yeh go’ yer-”

“Mother’s accent. How could you get Ems pregnant? Why would you even do those things to her in the first place?!” Mikey asked staring dad down.

“I didn’ li’ ‘avein’ anova girlfriend teh sa’isfy me sexual needs. Onleh yer mova could do tat! Then I star’ed drinkin’ one day when Emma were a’ schoo’. She wal’ed fough the front doo’ an’ I swea’ yeh I saw yer mova.” He has tears coming out of his eyes and down his face and he sniffled every few seconds.

“This was after I left?” Mikey asked, dad nodded. “Then what happened?” I can’t believe Mikey wants dad to explain the past few years in front of everyone.

Sure they knew about us but they didn’t know why. My feet started to hurt so I sat down where no one could see me.

“One day when I were soba I wen’ teh Emma’s room, she were on the laptop I wen’ in sa’ ‘er up an’ jus’ kissed ‘er. I’ took ‘er a bi’ teh kiss back, well when she did weh go’ in teh I’ and then weh ‘ad sex.” Dad said licking his lips at the end. Mikey took a seat at the table booth net to Tom and looked at dad.

“How old was she?” Mikey’s breathing started to get irregular now.

“Four’een.” Dad said shocking the hell out the guys as well as Mikey. Dad held his head up high; he did not look down once. I don’t think he was proud about what he did two years ago but I know he wasn’t ashamed.

“And it has been going on ever since then?” Mikey asked, again dad nodded. Oh shit I have to pee. I got up and waddled into view everyone looked up and smiled but dad got up and tried to hug me but I pushed him out of the way.

He got a hurt look on his face but that changed when he saw me go into the bathroom. I emptied my bladder pulled up my pants but it didn’t go over my belly the waist band sat just under it. Then I flushed with the thingy-ma-bobber using my foot.

“I feel much betta” I said coming out of the bathroom. Everyone just laughed dad got up again but this time I didn’t push him away.

I breathed in his Axe body spray as he embraced me in his long skinny arms. He kind of had the body of Jack Skeleton, dad was that thin.

“Why ‘aven’t yeh been eating right?” I asked looking up at him since I wasn’t able to wear any heel over twelve C.M. or five inches.

“Emma ‘e ‘as been depressed eva since yeh stepped foo’ off this bus three monfs ago.” Tom said. Dad bit his lip and nuzzled his nose into the side of my face.

“‘Ow ‘ave the shows realleh been? And I mean fo’ real.” I asked as dad sat back down in his spot and pulled me in his lap then started to rub my belly.

“Teh tell yeh the truf they ‘ave been propa shit.” Dad said playing with one of my dread falls.

Dad moved them completely off of my neck, I leaned so my back was flat again his chest. He started to lick the exposed flesh, and then he nibbled on my earring free earlobe making me giggle quietly.

I saw Mikey looking at us with jealousy in his eye. What was he jealous of? Was he jealous of dad? Did he want to be in dad’s shoes right now?

I may never know and I didn’t want to. Dad patted my thighs to signal me to get up. I did and he took my hand laced our fingers and lead me to the back lounge.

“Da-”He gave me a look saying ‘we never broke up girl so stop calling me dad; you know what to call me’. “Oliver… wha’ are yeh doing yeh ‘ave teh go on set soon.”

“I kno’ I jus’ wan’ a few minutes wiff me babehs.” He said sitting on the couch and pulling me in front of him.

I lifted my shirt over my belly and I saw the sparkle in dad’s eyes, he bit his lip and placed his big warm hands on my belly. He was touching the top so he didn’t feel the baby kick.

“‘Ere let me see yer ‘and.” I said taking his hand and pressing it in the spot that the baby was kicking in. Dad had a confused face but then looked at me with wide eyes and a smile when he felt the baby kick his hand. “Keep yer hand pressed there an’ talk teh ‘im.”

Dad kept his hand in the same spot and started to talk to the baby things like, when he comes out he was going to be spoiled rotten, and how he was going to be a lady killer like his dad. I smacked dad for that one.

The whole time the baby was kicking and moving around to the sound of his father's voice
♠ ♠ ♠
OoOoOoO Some tension going on with Mikey. I wonder whats going on in his head. comment telling me what you think! ^_^

On another note two chapters with in two days! eeepp I really like this story the ideas just FLOW right around my head heehee
Well Imma start the next chapter but COMMENTS SPUR FASTER UPDATES!!!