Status: Preparing to be re-written.

25 To Life


~*~*Andy’s P.O.V*~*~

I suggested sitting next to Emma’s table but CC thought that was a bad idea so we got one on the other side of the restaurant. I made sure I could see Emma and right now she had her head on her dad’s or her fiancé’s shoulder.

I would kill to be Oliver being with the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid my eyes one. I did have her for like a week then that asshole knocked her up and forced her to break it off with me.

Boy oh boy was I pissed. And yeah I admit I did threaten to tell the cops about them, so what do they do move back to England! Like really?

I saw Emma and Oliver get up and go outside lighting up cigarettes, boy I could use one right about now. I got up and walked outside pulling out my pack of cigarettes and my Zippo. I looked closer at Oliver he wasn’t smoking a cig but a blunt.

“How can you be smoking weed around a pregnant girl?” I asked being nosy. “If it was me I would quit smoking in general.” I hopping he would take a hint.

“Yeah well I’ ain’ yeh so leave us alone.” He said blowing his smoke away from Emma as she took a pull of her cig.

“I told Emma I won’t until I have her in my arms.” I said taking a drag of my own cigarette.

“Just stop I’ OK I’s enough now come on Oleh ‘m hungreh.” She said putting out her cig and taking Oliver’s hand after he put away his blunt and they walked inside to go eat.

I walked back inside and I notice that Emma was eating her veggie burger with mustered I cringed; man pregnant girls have some weird cravings. I sat back down and looked over at her again she was done her burger and was eating her fries like five at a time. Boy when she said she was hungry she wasn’t kidding.

Oliver was looking at her with a big smile on his face as she sucked down half of the drink they shared. You could see the pride in his eyes, like he was proud the he got is sixteen year old daughter pregnant. How can any man be proud about that?

Emma may be the second love of his life since his wife died but his wife is Emma’s mom.
I mean really, do you think your dead wife would be happy that you knocked up your own daughter and then made her your girlfriend and then asked her to marry you?

Emma is living a fucked up life and I so help me God I will make her mine and get her away from that man if it’s the last thing I do.

*~*~*Oliver’s P.O.V*~*~*

We were back on the bus and we were headed to the next venue, which is a day away. As soon as we got back to the bus Emma got really tired so I helped her get changed, not that she needed help because I wanted to help.

So here we are in our bunk, it wasn’t my bunk anymore not since Emma came back, I was in my sleeping boxers and Emma was in a pair of really sexy panties and one of my worn out Drop Dead shirts. It was baggy on her since she was so small but she did have a big belly that had my baby in it.

I gently lifted the shirt to stop right under her growing breasts; I have to say they were big before but now they are huge well that’s because they are starting to produce milk. I read up on pregnancy shit last night before Emma came back.

I carefully scooted down so my face was next to my baby’s baby bump. I placed my hand on top and gently rubbed every inch of her belly occasionally placing gentle kisses here and there. I felt a delicate hand run through my hair; I looked up to see Emma looking at me with half closed eyes.

“Did I wake yeh?” I asked generally concerned. I was never like this with Luna when she got pregnant I let her do everything for herself except carry anything heavy. I don’t know why I am like this with Emma.

“No the babeh was kicking.” I felt her belly and sure enough he was kicking, a smile took over my face. I scooted back up to her face and kissed her full on with no warnings.

“This sucks I wanna ‘ave sex wiff yeh bu’ I can’.” I mumbled against her intoxicating lips, everything about her was intoxication. I needed her, like nothing I never needed before.

If she asked me to leave the band I would do it no questions asked. I hate to say it but I, Oliver Scott Sykes, am whipped by my sixteen year old daughter/fiancé/baby’s mother.

“Oh we can still ‘ave sex I’s jus’ I ‘ave teh be on top otherwise it could ‘urt the babeh.” She said it like it was nothing! Oh man I can almost feel how tight she must be we haven’t had sex since the night before tour started.

I snapped out of when I saw her hand wave in front of my face, I was quick to grab it and kissed each finger tip, and moving to her knuckles, then up her arm, and then stopped at her collar bone. I started to kiss it at first, then it lead to sucking, and then biting.

Emma’s soft moans were like music to my ears; her fingers at the base of my neck making little circles gave me goose bumps. I climbed out of the bunk and helped Emma down; I held a finger to my lips signaling for her to be quiet.

I lead her to the back room and shut the door, let’s face it there is not a chance that there will be enough room for us have sex in that tiny bunk.
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