Use My Breath for Every Line You'll Take

Chapter 3

Ok so,Sandra proved me wrong,the plan she told me sounded great. The only problem was, knowing if it would work. So here goes nothing,but I do know that if this plan fails,we will be looking for a new drummer. I looked at Sandra and she said "Trust me. It'll work, just do excatly what I told you. Now get your butt through the door so we can kick this plan into action." I did as I was told and walked through the door that lead to the very small stage. I was in my spot and looked up from my bass and saw she was right in front of me,I looked back at Sandra and she smiled and gave me two thumps up! Get now I'm really nervous.

~Haley's POV~
This has been the best day ever! Standing in the heat,for oh about 2 hours was worth it, seeing as I'm in the front and can touch the stage and seat on it when I'm tired. Though I can't seem to get that guys face out of my head. He was just so beautiful. He had deep brown eyes,light cream colored skin and I had a feeling he was the Ashley Purdy of Black Veil Brides. Though I was a fan of Andy,seeing how he acted towards his fans waiting in-line to see him,maybe me question weither I liked him as a person or just his sexy looks. But my sister and I were debting on who that guy was,she said he was checking me out and I just laughed at her and told her what guy would want a broken thing like me. She pouted and said not to speak about myself like that,cause I was better then that,and we both knew that. We were currently waiting for the headlining band to come out on stage when I looked up at the cloth I saw someone looking at me and my sister. I turned to to tell her but when we looked back,he wasn't looking at us anymore. I sighed and smiled weakly at my sister. This was going to be a long show.

~Ahley's POV~
I chocked when she looked at me and Sandra noticed it and frowned towards me. I went to asker her why she was frown,and she answered me "She looked back at you,and you lookd away,she was sad." I frowned,walking slowly back to my spot right as the make shift curtain fell. I looked down and started playing my bass and looked up at her. She smiled brightly at me and the rest of the show was full of glances exchanged between the both of us. I can say out of all the shows,this was my favorite. And I guess it was cause of her. Well now that we were coming to the last song, I noticed her whisper,well shout, something to her friends,and they pulled her and her friend out. I was surprisingly sad,but then remembered,that we were signing after this. That is probably where they went to,yeah that is were they went to. I can't wait to talk to my broken angel. Opps I mean,Haley. I can;t wait to talk to Haley.

~Haley's POV~
Watching Black Veil Brides was so worth the brusies and scrathes I got. And glancing at Ashley throughout the whole show was just icing on the cake. My sister, some friends we made during the concert, and I were standing in line to meet the band. Though while standing I did do some flirting with Marti. Hehe it was only for fun though. As the band came to the tables to do the signing,I was getting pushed back and forth like a rag-doll. The guys from the bands noticed me and my sister, and asked if we were ok. We kept telling them yes,but it got to a point were I was going to take it anylonger and live,but my sister stoped me and made me realize it was a once in a life time chance. We said goodbye to the guys in the bands that were there and were met with Ashley and Andy. Ashley smiled at us and said 'Hi" and that made me and my sister laugh saying "Hi" back. Andy lookd at us funny and said "Are you guys twins or something?" We laughed and said "No" He smiled and said "Well girls what would you like signed?" I spoke up and said "My bandanna." He said "Okay cool. Ash sign it first." Ashley broke out of his trance and started talking to me.

~Ahley"S POV~
When it was her turn I noticed she was wearing Marti's Freaking bracelet. I was shocked but recovered when Andy said something to me. I signed her bandanna and looked up at her and she whispered "Can I get a hug and a picture?" I smiled and said "Of course." I pulled her to me and hugged her tightly,while slipping two purple bands in her pocket. Her friend took our picture and then they moved on to Sandra. She was talking up a storm with them,though she keeped looking back at me and blushing if I noticed her. That made me smile and Andy noticed. He chuckled and said "When were done,we are going to talk." I nodded looking back at the fans,straing my ears to hear the girls.

~Sandra's POV~
Ok this girl,is just perfect for Ashley and her friend is perect for Andy. I'm glad they got the bands. I can't wait to hang out with them. I was signing there stuff and asked "Did you guys enjoy the show?" The girl,Haley,looked up at me and said " Yeah it was awesome. I loved it." I smiled,along with the guys,and said"That greats,since Ash slipped those bands into your pocket,wait outside for us and we can hang out,ok?" They nodded and I knew this was going to be awesome,though the way the other guys were making me nervous. I just hope Ashley can get the girl.

~Ahley's POV~
Well waiting to talk to her was killing me. Everyone had started to leave and that was when I noticed they were still waiting. That made me smile and jump inside with joy. I walked over to her and we had this long converstaion. We were having a great time,while her friend talked to Andy. I never noticed that all our stuff was put up and the other bands came to listen to us talk. I hugged her and whisper into her ear "I don't want to leave you here. I want to take you on tour with me." She smiled into my neck and whispered back "I would love to stay with you and all the other guys and girls. But I don't think I can. I can't leave my sister behind." I pulled back and told her "Then both of you can come,all you need to do is say yes. I can take care of you,no matter what. Just say yes to me." She smiled hugely and said "Yes, to you and you're crazy idea." That made me happy and I kissed her. It was long and passionate. It was everything you would want in a kiss. When we pulled back I nodded to Sandra and she told everyone else that two knew members were joining the tour. I smiled and looked up and told my sister thank you. Cause if she didn't tell me about her, I probably wouldn't have meet her.Little sister I learned that from all the hate you had to take,that good things can come out of them.

We learn from All Your Hate
We are lost in your mistakes
Play our hymn for the brand new day
We burn, we learned

We learn from All Your Hate
We are lost in your mistakes
Play our hymn for the brand new day
We burn, we learned
♠ ♠ ♠
ok that was the end...for now. may do a sequal cause I love writing this though got now feedback :( but oh well I guess I'll just ask a friend of mine to check it out for me.
but thats the end for now. bye bye
till next time