‹ Prequel: Cats and Dogs
Status: Currently on hold. I have just too many things to worry about right now.

Aliens and Vampires

Play Nice

The room suddenly became very quiet as I leaned against the door jam and stared at my mate, who stared back with a less than amused look on her face.

"What did she say?" The woman asked, taking a step back and looking over her shoulder at Alaivera and Jake. "What's going on?" She continued walking away from me and it was only my knowledge that moving from my spot would cause me to fall that kept me from following her.

It was at that moment, that Jake started laughing hysterically. The man was rolling around on his chair, his hand pressed against his side, and tears running down his face. Maybe it was an Earth custom to laugh at highly inappropriate moments.

"What's the matter with you?" asked Brandon, giving Jacob a strange look that obviously meant he was willing to slap the man to calm him.

"Nothing. It's just hilarious that stuff is always happening to us. It's not enough that we're magical creature things, no, the stranger has to find her mate in our friend's sister." Jacob was now gasping for air but no one really seemed to understand what he found funny.

"I think he's finally lost his mind." Leah finally declared in a voice that just screamed she had been expecting this. "A decade with Alai, I'm surprised the poor guy lasted this long." There was a growl from Alaivera, but I seemed to be the only one that either heard her, or cared.

"Will you just tell me what's going on before this freak eats me?" My mate was now practically pushed up against the far wall and was looking everywhere except for at me.

"She's not going to eat you," Edward said with certainty, understandable since he could easily read my mind. "That look means something completely different. Come on." The man placed his hands on his sister's shoulders and started to lead her toward me; which yes, caused my heart to beat frantically and my head to feel as though it was going to fly away.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" The blonde woman asked as she tried to turn around only to have Edward force her in my direction. "Alai! Jake! Leah! Brandon! What the hell is going on?!" I almost felt sorry for the woman, she obviously had no idea what was happening, but I couldn't seem to form any thoughts other than "gah".

"Her name is Echoxia, you're her mate. Play nice." The moment those words left Alaivera's mouth, my mate was pushed/lead/forced in front of me and I released my hold on the wall, fell forward, and somehow managed to land both of us on the tiled floor.

Galaxies, she smelled good, I buried my head further into her hair and wrapped myself around the woman and purred. Non-verbally marking my claim and warning every person in that room that if they got too close to either of us, they'd have to deal with me.

"Aww!" I heard someone say, their voice sounding distant and fuzzy. "She's like a kitten." What in the name of Xaria, was a "kitten" and why do I resemble one?

"This is not an 'aw' moment. What the hell is she doing?" My mate tried to wiggle away from me but I wrapped one of my legs around her waist, forcing her to still, and growled threateningly. She was mine, and I wouldn't give her up that easily. "Did she just growl? Edward! This is all your fault!"

"How can this possibly be my fault?! I didn't bring her here; I didn't force you to come yell at me; and the last I checked, I couldn't manipulate the forces of nature. Now, tell me Rose, how is this my fault?" Rose? What a beautiful name, I thought as I squeezed my eyes closed and pressed my face against the woman's neck.

"I don't know how, it just is!" She exclaimed, but thankfully refrained from trying to free herself from my grasp. "Is there anyway I can get her off of me? Because if I'm the new Jake, I'd like to talk some things through." If she thought I was going to let her go, then she was very sorely mistaken. It had taken SIXTEEN YEARS for me to find her, most people found their mates before the end of their first year.

"Well, it looks like she's about to fall asleep, then we'll separate you when she can't fight us and keep you apart when she suddenly wakes up." That sounded like Jacob, but I couldn't tell for certain since the only time I had really heard him speak was when he was laughing. Oh, and before I forget to mention it, his idea is stupid, I don't like it and will force myself awake to keep the idiot from putting it in to action.

"That's a terrible idea." Thank you Brandon! "For one thing, she's not you, the girl can hear you planning to take away her mate, do you really think she's going to allow herself to fall asleep now?" The man has a point.

"Fine then, Plan B." I distantly heard the man stand up and begin walking in my direction, causing me to tighten my hold on Rose.

Suddenly, Jake was above the two of us and speaking softly to my beautiful Rose, before I could snap the dark haired man's neck, my mate stood up and Jacob rearranged my limbs so that the woman could carry me. "See? I'm not completely insane." That I would have to argue with.

"Alright, mutts, clear a space." The woman holding me ordered and I watched as Brandon and Lean immediately slid over to one side of the couch, giving Rose plenty of room to sit down and carefully set me beside her. "You're not going to attack me are you?" She asked and I shook my head no, I could handle this, my body was pressed against hers, my claim still stood. No one could take her from me.
♠ ♠ ♠
See, this is how Jake and Alai should have started out. Fighting is not normal between mates.