Profit of Innocence: Love Kills

This Love

By 2:00PM, I’d sat in between Malachi and Rachel; Rachel spun the bottle, which had landed on Malachi; “okay Malachi truth or dare?” she asked him; “truth” he answered in a mere growl, he wasn’t too friendly with other girls; “have you ever kissed a girl before? Or gone further than a kiss? If so, then who with?” I looked at Malachi, and then looked away as he replied; “I kissed Amelia last night, she was my first kiss, which was all we did, can someone else have their turn now?” I was shocked to hear that I was his first kiss, however the game continued; Amos then spun the bottle, it landed on me; “truth or dare new girl?” I looked at him; “dare” I replied as I looked at him; “you have to kiss Malachi for one whole minute” I nodded, however before I could even face Malachi, he was already on me, he was as passionate as the previous night, his tongue had dominated my mouth;

“Alright minute’s up, guys I said minute’s up! HELLO!!!” Rachel snapped her fingers over my head, however we didn’t pay attention though, he was on top of me now, one hand under my hair, running his left hand up her leg; “OKAY BREAK IT UP!” Amos said as he pulled Malachi off of me, I sat up looked at him with a little smile, which he surprisingly returned: the game went on for another half an hour, some guy I hadn’t met before admitted that I was the most beautiful girl in the group.

Throughout the game, there was one girl who was also pregnant, that looked my age, perhaps a year older, she had dark hair that went past her shoulders, and brown eyes, her name was Ruth, and she was giving me a sour look throughout the entire game, she always looked at Malachi, tears stinging her eyes, I didn’t understand why this girl hated me so much; I’d never spoken to her, not once, however she made it clear for me to be afraid of her.

Malachi had taken my hand and lead me to an abandoned diner, Ruth had watched them carefully as we left. Once we arrived, there were candles everywhere, giving the place a romantic vibe; “wow, this is really beautiful” I said softly, I wasn’t as shy with Malachi as I used to be, he smiled a little as he lead me to our table; “your seat, Madame” he said in a posh tone of voice pulling my seat out, I sat down, blushing and smiling; “here you are, sorry that its not as gourmet like you’re used to, but should taste just the same” he placed a bowl of spaghetti in front of me and sat down with his; “did you…do this? Make the dinner and light the candles?” Malachi nodded, but looked at her as though he’d done something wrong; “Malachi, the place is beautiful, and this is the most delicious spaghetti I’ve ever had!” I smiled at him; “thanks, I…err did it for you” he mumbled this as he had a mouthful of spaghetti;

“well this is the most romantic thing any guy has ever done for me, thank you” I placed my hand on his. I’d learnt a lot about Malachi over our dinner, about his past, I learnt that he’d murdered his parents and brother when he was at the mere age of 6, he spoke of it as if it were a daily routine (which it kinda was for him, to kill people).

I told Malachi about my past and many other personal things; “so you were saying that you have a sister? How old is she?” he asked in an interested tone;

“She’s only 2 years old; she’s already walking and talking, not to mention she’s the complete opposite of me even though she’s a baby- blond hair, blue eyes, nice, perfect, happy, and normal” Malachi placed his cutlery down; “you’re unhappy?” he asked in a confused tone of voice, I looked at him and shook my head; “no, not unhappy, just, jealous, which is stupid you know? Because I’m jealous of a baby, she took my attention etc” Malachi smirked; “well you have all eyes on you here” he said looking deep into my eyes, I smiled then passed my plate up to him; “so shall we have some dessert?” I nodded as he asked me this whilst we were getting ready to leave, he took my hand in his, leading me back to his place; “I thought you said we’re eating dessert?” he smiled and winked;

“we are” he pinned me up against the wall and kissed me passionately, holding my wrist, I kissed him passionately; we kissed more passionately, Malachi placed his hand under my hair, and the other hand around my waist, I lingered my fingers through his hair and wrapped my leg around his waist, he kissed my neck, I tilted my head back and moaned softly, then I unbuttoned his brown shirt, he wore his jeans, he already kicked his shoes off, he took the straps off from his pants, he kissed me more and more;

“I love you” he whispered, as soon he said this, we both realized what he said as he stopped and looked at me, their moment of passion was broken, I looked at him; “I think we should go to bed, it’s err, getting pretty late” I nodded as Malachi took his hand off from my waist and carefully placed my leg back down and kissed me on the head; “you want to sleep with me? Or…?” I nodded as I hopped into the bed with him and kissed him; “I love you too” I whispered, as I wrapped my arm around him, he had fallen asleep already though.