Secrets, Bruises, and a Court Date

No More Hiding

I wake up and roll out of bed. The first thing I wanted to do is check on my baby sister. I walk down the hall and into Carlee’s room. I lean over the crib to see if she’s sleeping. Sure enough she is still sleeping silently. I tip toe out of her room not waking her up and make my way to dad’s room. I look in quickly and find no one in the room. Hmm.... they must be in the kitchen. I turn around and walk into the kitchen. I see dad and Jen sitting at the table drinking their morning coffee.

“Morningg” I yawn as I greet them and stretch. Dad takes a sip of his coffee and nods his head.

“Mor- What's that?” Jen points at my stomach. Dad looks over to see what Jen was pointing at and spits out his coffee.

I look down and pull my Misfits shirt down, then look back up at both of them. Dads eyes got wide and Jen’s had a shocked look across her face. ‘uh-oh’ I thought and darted down the hall and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I look in the body length mirror and lift my shirt up, revealing all the purplish and brown bruises. Each one of them reminding me of the terrifying memories. I am so stupid, I thought they all healed by now. I knew I shouldn’t have worn this shirt, its too short.
I soon get interrupted by a knock on the door. I didn’t want to talk to anyone so I sat on the toilet and hugged my knees to my chest. I hear the door open and see dad and Jen, they walk in and sit on the edge of the tub. I saw the concern in his eyes.

“Jake can we talk to you?” dad asks, and looks me straight in the eyes. I sit there for a moment and then spoke,
“ Do I have to talk?” after those words left my mouth I mentally slapped myself. ‘good going jake’. dad looked at me sternly. I huff out a ‘Ok’ and looked sat pretzel style.
‘this isn’t going to be fun.’ I say to myself, and braced myself for the worst.
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Sorry for this update coming so late. school is a bitch. please comment