Secrets, Bruises, and a Court Date

Is He Gonna Kill Mom?

I followed Jake into Carlee's room. He ran up to her and tried to calm her cries for attention down. He kept telling her that 'everything is OK' and rubbed her little tummy. Showing her he is there. He is such a great kid. It pissed me off that someone would want to hurt such a sweet boy. The sad thing is that, I know what it is like to be in his situation. I shook the terrible thoughts out of my mind and continued in the room.

I picked the baby up and laid her on the floor, and changed her. I stood up and told Jake I would be right back. He nodded his head and sat down, playing with his little sister. I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. On my way into the kitchen I saw Gee on the phone and I could see the anger in his eyes. I instantly knew that he was talking to Lucy. I grabbed Carlee's bottle from the fridge and quickly made my way back to her room. I stood in the door way as I watched s Jake gave Carlee raspberries and her kicking her feet, and laughing her little high pitched laugh. I sat down next to him and took Carlee in my arms and fed her. It was silent till Jake spoke up.

"Whats going to happen to me? Mom's going to be mad at me." he says looking down at the floor. I reassured him that nothing will happen to him , and that Gerard will handle everything.

Jake looked at me with a stone cold stare. After a few seconds he finally spoke up, "Is dad going to kill mom?" I nearly dropped Carlee at the question .

"No! He isn't going to kill anyone!" I say burping the baby. There was a long silence until Carlee farted.

"Oops, I guess some one had a little gas" I joke. We both look at each other and burst out laughing.
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sorry its short just a filler and sorry its been SO long! comment if u care!!