Status: Alive

I Don't Need a Cloak to Become Invisible

An Awkward Situation

Right now I'm convincing some 1st year to try a vomit flavored Bertie Bott's bean. With the element of surprise of course. And having a giggle fit at his facial expression. As cruel as it seems, the humor is outnumbering.

The twins and I were walking to the lunch table, I was a bit confused in the slight change of direction in which they were pulling me. ''Where are we doing? Surely not passing up lunch?'' I asked, my stomach growling in protest to my last question.

''Heavens no!'' they said in unison ''We're going to the Gryffindor table'' Fred began. Causing an unattractive sound to come from my lips. But a warmth to my pale cheeks betrayed me.

We took a seat, despite my attempt to NOT seat next to Oliver, going noticed by George and he did everything in his power to make me sit by him. It was quite obvious I didn't want to sit there. I groaned at George when I finally sat on the seat next to Wood. Even though, in fact I did want to sit there.

''Hey Wood'' they smiled wide. He looked a bit surprised, in spite of them being friends. ''Oh hello'' he greeted ''Charlotte'' He turned to me, flashing a breathtaking smile. I've practiced SO hard to not blush, but that all went down when I felt my cheeks flush pink .''Hello'' I composed myself to the best of my ability.

George elbowed me with a mischievous grin. I rolled my eyes and kicked him from under the table. He shot up and groaned ''OW!'' he pouted. Fred and I giggled, while Oliver looked confused.

Every now and then Fred and George would make kissing faces when Wood wasn't looking. I shook my head at them. Regretting ever speaking, yet at the same time, relieved I got it off my chest.

''So are you going to the ball Charlotte?'' Angelina asked from across the table. ''No.'' I answered honestly, she looked disappointed to my surprise. We weren't exactly 'close'. ''Did no one ask you?'' Katie asked looking a little shocked '' people have. I just don't want to go'' They nodded and went back to eating.

''Why don't you want to go?'' Oliver asked, all of his attention on me. That alone made me blush. I shrugged ''its just pointless''- -''and she would only go if that someone, someone asked her...'' Fred smirked and winked. I kicked him hard. And he grunted but chuckled anyway.

The last thing in the world I want is for Oliver to know I fancy him. That would put me in an extremely vulnerable situation. That thought made me shudder. ''So!...Quidditch!...'' I knew that would get his attention and change the subject successfully.

''Feel good about your next match with Slytherin?'' I asked.''Well they are good... but we do have Potter so... that gives me a bit of hope'' I nodded, remembering Harry always catching the snitch after Oliver was knocked out cold by a bludger. ''Yeah'' I smiled.

After lunch I slap the twins on the arm. ''You put me in an incredibly awkward situation!'' They laughed. ''You know you loved it and will cherish it forever! because you LOVE him'' they started singing about my 'love' for him and such. Until of course I smacked them. ''Cut it out'' I grimaced. They smiled, which of course made me smile. I love these guys for that.

Whenever I'm down their always there to pick me back up.