Status: Alive

I Don't Need a Cloak to Become Invisible


''THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS!!!'' The twins sang together, I made the stupid mistake of telling them of that god forsaken muggle song! ''OK! i get it! those are a few of your favorite things! Now shut up and help me with my potion's test!'' I pleaded, wishing and hoping they would not start singing again. ''Oh all right!'' the jumped down from the sofa in sync, I smiled ''Thank you''.

Getting in return, teasing mumbles ''Hostile much?'' Fred rose a questioning eyebrow. Making me laugh, ''Oh stop it you two! Im sorry ok? its just... have you heard[i/] your voices?'' I chuckled. They stuck their tongues out and and helped me with my long overdue and dreaded homework.

I bumped into Oliver in the great hall, literally. ''Sorry'' i laughed, ''me too''. He smiled a smile that knocked the breath right out of me.

''WHEN IS THE WEDDING?!'' ''TELL US WE'RE INVITED!'' i heard the twins shout from the end of the hall. I blushed madly before in return, sending a rather absence gesture to them. They snickered and ran off to, no doubt to cause mischief throughout Hogwarts.

Oliver laughed and took my hand as we walked to the library. We took a seat in the back, our homework spread out across the wooden table. After our awfully frustrating homework, Oliver walked me to the ravenclaw door. It was about time for bed. ''Thanks'' i smiled and hugged him.

He tightly hugged back. I pulled away, after his grip loosened and the eagle knocker asked a random question. I answered and waved goodbye before retiring to my doom.