Status: Alive

I Don't Need a Cloak to Become Invisible

Seamus Strikes Again ;P

I was so stiff when I awoke, I almost didn't get out of bed, but that was Quidditch for you. I dressed in my uniform and robe and headed to the Ravenclaw common room. Holly waved and continued reading her frayed and torn book. I smiled and walked out.

I told the lady the password of the Gryffindor house and she opened it. She never seems suspicious of me maybe because I'm a Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw and Gryffindor's usually get along fairly well. ''Fred, George!'' I shouted as I entered the common room.

I heard glass items shatter, before of course to tousled masses of flaming hair, excitedly came running down the stairs ''CHARLOTTE!'' they shouted together and tackled me to the carpeted floors.

''Whoa! I don't like you like that!'' I teased. They laughed and helped me up, ''Yeah cause you LOOOVE someone else'' they grinned widely ''shut up you two'' I warned, slapping their arms.

''I don't love anyone! OK so shut up! lets go I'm starving'' I changed the subject after my clarification, a subject I knew they wouldn't pass up. ''Right!'' they dragged me out off the door and down the great hall.


Jon, a casual friend of mine and a fellow Quidditch player, were walking up the stairs after a late Quidditch practice, quite slowly seeing as though we were aching madly.

''Why are there so many bloody stairs?!'' He asked ''Its a conspiracy'' I replied sucking in a shockingly painful breath. ''MERLIN'S BEARD!'' I doubled over.

''You OK?'' Jon asked awkwardly, we weren't close enough friends, so it would be weird if he touched me. ''Yes'' I stood straight up, and continued walking. ''Quidditch is almost not worth it'' he said rubbing his bandaged wrist. I laughed ''Almost.''

I decided against going to this mornings breakfast. Instead staying in bed, but that plan was soon shattered when Fred and George burst in. I groaned but kept my eyes closed.

''Oh no you don't! We cant sit with Wood, he'll start talking about Quidditch!'' they whined and dragged me out of my warm bed. I moaned and tried kicking George.

When they finally made me get ready, they linked arms with me, so I couldn't get away. I surrendered ''Alright! alright! I'll go'' I grudgingly agreed. Not liking the idea of being 'forced' anywhere.

After we sat down, the twins ate. I could barely breathe let alone eat. So I watched them and laughed when George stole Fred's bacon when he looked away. Owls howled in the distance ''MAIL!'' everybody excitedly exclaimed.

''Everyone's excited until they get a howler. Right Ron?!'' I shouted the last part. The twins grinned and snickered. While Ron looked as though he's reliving it, fearfully.

I caught my wrapped broom from mom and dad and laid it on the table for Fred and George to rip open like it was Christmas morning. I laughed at their excitement.

''Ya know they start making you pay them back after awhile'' Sean started, I've only recently been friends with him. Not even knowing of him, until he joined the Quidditch team. He also is a Ravenclaw.

''I had to pay them back for all 4 brooms I broke. Its totally barbaric!'' He continued. I laughed ''I suppose, but you have to consider the fact that they had to deal with YOU your whole life!'' I added with a smirk.

''HA HA!'' he sarcastically replied. I grinned widely and answered the eagle knocker. When we stepped inside we immediately plopped on the couch. ''I gotta finish my potions test from Snape'' Sean pouted and pulled it out. ''You finished?''

'' Not even close'' I frowned and started working on it.

I was currently in Snape's classroom sitting by The twins. He burst in like the drama queen he was and started in his dull, no nonsense tone.

''This room is always so smokey'' I whispered to George ''Yeah, it makes you wonder'' He replied causing me to snicker. We were instructed to make a potion to heal headaches and let me just tell you I was expecting an explosion from Finnigan and sure enough a loud, bright *BANG* rang through the class.

The twins and I burst into laughter, taking in his spiked hair and black smudges blotching his confused face. Seamus just starting his second year at Hogwarts and every spell, explodes ''After all years he still cant get a spell right!'' George laughed.

It was getting late and soon the prefects would start to get possessive of the authority they were given, so I rushed to my house, not really in the mood to argue. Collapsing of my unmade and slightly cold bed.