Status: Alive

I Don't Need a Cloak to Become Invisible

Well I mean this more than words could ever say

Time sure flies! It's been over 8 months that Oliver and Charlotte have been together. Not counting the many years they have known each other.

They used to be occasional rivals, seeing as their teams would go against each other during a Quidditch match.

Oliver and Charlotte were currently in the great hall, the twins were up to some mischievous adventure.

The lack of noise and rush, pushed Charlotte into having a mild outburst. She threw a piece of bread across the room, hitting Pansy Parkinson in the back of the head.

She covered her mouth with both of her hands, trying oh so desperately to not burst into a fit of hysterics.

Oliver laughed quietly, witnessing the whole scene. Pansy whined annoyingly, turning her head to glare at whoever threw it at her.

Charlotte removed her hands, to avoid being an obvious suspect.

''Who did that?'' Draco asked of the crowd, obeying her nauseating pleas.

Charlotte tried forcing herself to not laugh. Oliver lightly squeezed her soft, bony hand, smiling at her refreshing immaturity.

''I know it was you! Y-you... bloody shrew!'' Pansy barked, causing Charlotte to loss the containment she used to have.

She laughed through clenched teeth, closing her eyes.

Oliver laughed as well, not because of the name she was called, but the way she laughed.

Her laugh chimed through the air, bouncing gracefully and elegantly off the stone castle walls. It was hard for the boys to not fall in love with her.

''Draky?!'' She shrieked unattractively. Only causing Charlotte's laughter to increase in volume. She cast a sympathetic look in Draco's direction.


After Charlotte's little incident in the Great hall, Malfoy managed to talk Pansy out of 'beating up' Oliver, mostly because Draco could simply never beat Oliver up, even on his best day.

Draco was wise to see this.

Charlotte laughed hysterically. ''I might have to keep you around a little longer.'' She teased, although he would come in handy, seeing as she is constantly getting into physical arguments.

He smiled beamingly.


The next day at lunch, Oliver and Charlotte left the great hall early. It was simply too crowded and loud for him.

The starry eyed pair took a seat on the grass outside of the castle, laughing, smiling and joking around.

''Charlotte, I like you.'' Oliver said in deep thought.

She breathed a short laugh ''Well, why else would you be 'with' me?''

''I mean... a lot. I love you.'' He finally confessed.

''Um... Well, I uh... That's nice. I-I should get to... to Potions!'' She stood up quickly, waving as she nearly run towards the castle.

Her heart was most violently banging against her chest as those words played repetitively through her head.

After potions and divenations, she saw him in the corridor. Her eyes widened visibly and she walked the opposite way.

He's been trying to catch her all day.

Finally, it was bed time and she rushed to her house door, praying he didn't see her.


The next day Charlotte skipped breakfast. She wasn't quite ready to face him yet.

She sat up in her bed, her head resting in her hands as she closed her eyes. Why would he tell her that? She wished he never said those words. Not because she didn't feel the same, but because she wasn't ready to admit it.

She wasn't ready to open herself up completely and be left vulnerable and broken.

An owl tapped on the girls dormitory window. She threw the blankets off and went to receive it.

It was from Oliver and it read:

Would you please just talk to me? It's killing me.

She sighed and closed her eyes. A frown resting on the corners of her plump, swollen lips.