Status: Alive

I Don't Need a Cloak to Become Invisible

You touch me and my mind goes astray

''I can't believe this is the last year I will see Hogwarts.'' Charlotte sighed, staring up at the ceiling.

''Yeah, It's gonna be weird, you reckon Fred?'' George looked around, memorizing the walks he grew up within.

''Yeah, just think about it! We will never make another first year cry again.'' Fred spoke, terror in his voice.

''Or embarrass another teacher.'' Charlotte added, frowning lightly.

''I expect you two plan to leave the castle with a big bang.'' Charlotte smiled, looking over at the two.

''You know us well.'' George smirked, his big brown eyes overwhelmed with an air of mischievousness.

Charlotte smiled at this, shaking her head at the overjoyed boy. ''If you two don't owl me everyday, I will fly, walk, crawl, floo powder my ass to you to deliver proper beating.'' She threatened, pointing a lanky, fair finger at the pair.

''We know your beatings, trust me you'll get your bloody letters.'' Fred smirked, nodding his head.

''But of course! Besides, your our best friend. You better visit us at the Burrow.'' George spoke, his voice a tad bit deeper than Fred's.

''And the Joke shop.'' Fred burst with excitement as he said those few words.

''Of course, of course! What more would I do with my life?'' She teased, but it was most definitely true, she didn't have very active days.

''Constantly think about me!'' They smiled a goofy, toothy grin. Their smiles were contagious against a defenseless Charlotte.

A smile of her own grew upon her porcelain face. ''Why I do that already!'' She joked, throwing her arms around the both of them.

A few startled first years pass by, a confused and alarmed look on their baby faces.

Fred and George smirked, looking at each other evilly as they pathologically devised plans of daring deeds.

Charlotte laughed. ''Run along you mischief makers.'' She approved as they silently begged pardon.

They kissed her cheek, one cheek for one lanky ginger boy. ''Bye Charlotte!'' They waved as they ran off. ''Catch ya later!'' George added, turning the corner, following the first years down the hall.

Charlotte stood up, bumping into a disgruntled Millicent Bulstrode. ''Watch it'' She nearly growled.

''Excuse me? Maybe if your fat ass wasn't in the way, I wouldn't have bounced off it. Considered that?'' Charlotte asked, prepared to take her down, even though Millicent was three times her size.

Charlotte's always said: ''Stick up for yourself so no one else has to.'' She was not going to be a hypocrite, besides she was rather fearless, shes had her fair share of fights.

''What did you say?''

Charlotte rolled her eyes. ''Stupid and deaf? Great.'' She was being harsh, but she was only kind to those who displayed kindness toward her.

''What she means is: 'beautiful and brilliant'.'' Oliver gently pulled Charlotte far away from Millicent, he wasn't going to hit a girl and he definitely wasn't allowing her to hit Charlotte.

''You are insane.'' Oliver laughed after he stopped walking down the empty corridors to the right of the castle.

Charlotte smiled, when he laughed it was psychically impossible for every person in eye shot to not smile, it was contagious bliss.

He pulled her near, holding her close for a brief but heart pounding embrace.

She kissed his jaw, a pleasant shiver shot up his spine. ''Did you just... shake?'' She taunted, smirking lightly.

''Shivering and proud.'' Oliver smiled, his heart drumming a rapid beat within his chest.

She laughed, her cheeks a radiate pink.

''Get a room!'' A few six year boys laughed, walking down the hallway in a jumbled mess, their ties hanging loosely down the necks and their white button up shirts sticking out from underneath their grey and black vests.

Charlotte laughed, it was only noon and they have already began to undress themselves.

Oliver shooed them away before cupping her warm cheek, placing a tingling soft kiss upon her swollen lips.

She pushed him against the wall, holding him there with her hands to his chest, but that wasn't quite necessary, he wouldn't leave if he were threatened to.

She deepened the kiss, pushing herself against him, although it didn't seem to be close enough.

Flames roared wildly throughout his body and his knees were close the giving out.

Her fingertips left burning trails wherever they lingered. She could feel his heart beating ruthlessly through her fingertips and she was happy she wasn't alone in that.

She pulled away, mainly for the simply necessity of air.

''Forget breathing.'' Oliver's voice was rough and radiated raw sexuality. He pushed her against the wall this time, leaving hot kisses down her jawline and neck.

Her heart was pounding harder than before, to which she thought impossible.

She was numb with pleasure and pure slender, the only part of her moving was her heaving chest.

She let out a shaky breath, setting to light a fire he could hardly withstand.

''We better stop.'' She looked around, any moment Professors and students would flood these stone halls.

But her airy whisper only fueled the raging fire.

Oliver cleared his throat, nodding in agreement. He unpinned her from the wall, blushing a deep crimson.