Status: Alive

I Don't Need a Cloak to Become Invisible


I wish I wasn't so hopelessly boring. So oddly discomfited and socially awkward that people grow bored and restless simply talking to me, like they'd prefer to be somewhere else, with someone else.

And I hate myself for that. I hate the way I cant excite a soul, cant carry on a conversation or make someone laugh. So willing to please that I stumble over my words, get too flustered and distressed.

Then I acquired this tendency of distancing myself away, when people become emotionally close. Maybe its because I know they'll leave me in the end. Because everyone around me always does. And I don't want to dislike myself more than I already do.

I suppose that that's the reason I'm petrified to be with anyone. Or I only have two close friends. Perhaps its also the reason I've been avoiding Oliver.

I am currently sitting in Defense Against The Dark Arts. Pretending I didn't feel someone's intent stare. I just wanted so badly to get out of here! And when we dismissed I sure did run, And right into someone ''Oh sorry'' I apologized ''Its just me'' Jon laughed I looked up ''Oh then never mind'' I laughed. ''Ha ha!'' he laughed sarcastically.

After a goodbye gesture we parted ways.


I was aimlessly walking down the great hall, books in hand. They're quite heavy as well. ''Hi'' I heard someone greet beside me. I looked over, and immediately felt nervous. It was Oliver and I just knew I would say something stupid!

''Hello'' I formally replied looking straight a head. ''Um I just wanted to thank you for taking me to the hospital wing, I'm sure it was quite a task''

''A bit'' I smiled.

He laughed. ''Well anyway, thanks'' He spoke after a few seconds, he sounded genuinely sincere. ''No problem'' He smiled and waved goodbye.

A sigh of relief escapes my lips when he was gone. I'm so happy I didn't say something terribly embarrassing or incriminating.

When I made it to Dinner, Fred and George where waiting for me, with grapes. I laughed and stole them ''MY GRAPES! ALL MINE!!'' I said and popped one into my mouth. ''NO!'' they shouted dramatically.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, with a smile. They knew my strange obsession with grapes and where going to use them against me one day, I swear!

After dinner, Sean and I were walking to our house. ''Ya know? I was thinking we should go out sometime''

''Not as a date or anything, just as friends, with Fred and George or something?'' he added seeing my panicked expression. Relief washed over me instantly.

''Yeah'' I agreed ''I'll tell them tomorrow'' I smiled ''Sounds good'' then we separated to our different dooms.