London Academy

Chapter 2: Getting Along With My Awesome Identical Twin

"Here. Want me to help you with your bags, Daphne- boo?" Danny asked, as we got him settled into his room.
"No, I got it, Danny- bear." I answered, as I gave him a peek on the lips, then started walking with my luggage.
"Hey! I wanna come along, Daphne- boo!?" he responded, catching my arm.
"Okay." I smiled, as he kissed me, passionately and joyful.
I rolled my luggage bag into the dormitory room and there were five girls crowding around Holly.
"Hey, want to see my dorm, it's perfect." Holly said, as we walked into the room.
"Oh, shut up, Holly! Stop treating my girlfriend like she's a piece of trash that you just threw away in the garbage can, she's a person just like you. Your not as..."
I pulled him out of the room,
"Danny- bear!? What has gotten into you?!" I asked, serious.
"It's just that, Holly makes me so mad when she talks about you that way, like she's the queen of the world and your her personal servant. Doesn't that make you want to kill her?" Danny questioned, frustrated.
"Yeah, at times, she makes me so agitated that I want to strangle her, but then I'll have to tell my parents, I made an enemy at London Academy, it turns out that she was a little bitch. Saying crap about me so I strangled her to death."
"Actually that sounded very convincing to me." Danny shrugged and grinned.
"Yeah, right. I'll go to jail, if I killed Holly." I commented, sarcastically, punching his shoulder, playfully, leaned against the wall and slid to the ground. Danny slid to the ground, next to me and grinned. "Ok, have you composed yourself t not have another outburst?" I said, getting up and pulling him up, where he leaned against the wall, again.
"Not sure, but maybe if a hot girl with light brown hair in a messy ponytail, pale amber eyes, and cookie- eating lips kiss me, I could reassure her that I will not talk out again." he smirked at me and his baby- blue eyes were so irresistibly alluring.
I fell right into his trap, I smiled and whisper, "just one" as I held my index finger up. Then I went towards him a and leaned my face forward. He held my waist and pulled my torso in, the kiss was so passionate and loving, I never wanted it to end but I had to back to Earth sometime. He was getting into the kiss too, until I pulled away.
"Come on!?" I coxed. "We'll make out more in the bathroom, after I talk to Holly, I promise." I answered, grinning.
"Fine." he said, glumly.
We walked into the dorm room, where Holly had only two girls with her, now.
"Hey, are you gonna have your boyfriend defend you again." she asked, in a baby voice.
"No. Could I talk to you, alone?" I asked, politely using courtesy on Holly, even though she really doesn't deserve it.
"Fine. Girls out." Holly said.
"You too, Danny- bear." I asked.
"But...." Danny said.
I gave him a quick kiss and whispered, " Hey, remember, I promised and I don't break promises, especially with my boyfriend." He went out of the room and I closed the door.
I started, "I know about your long- lost sister and your parents."
"So?!" she said, harshly.
"Do you know, what your parents' names are?" I asked.
"Yes. James and Vanessa McCain, but they died in a car accident and my Grandmother won't tell me my father's last name." she answered.
"Do you have a picture?" I asked.
"Yes." she replied. "I happen to know that, your mom doesn't talk about your Grandparents, she changes the subject like my Grandmother Annie Marie, whenever I bring up the subject of my parents and long- lost sister. Do you have a picture?"
"Yes, but it torn in half and crinkled. At least, you probably have a whole picture of your parents." I answered.
With that, Holly went over to her nightstand drawer and took a colorful tin that had "Holly's things" on it, she looked through some old baby pictures, then she got a half torn picture out of the tin, then put the tin back in the drawer. She turned around, holding the half torn picture to her chest.
I got up, went to my book bag and a book, I pulled the bookmark out and unfolded it.
"When I say three, we show each other the others pictures, got it?"
"Um hum." she started walking towards the middle of the room.
"1." I started, as I started walking slowly towards the middle of the room.
"2." Holly said, as we met in the middle.
"3!" We both said, as we showed each other the pictures.
"That's my parents!?" I sobbed.
"That's my grandparents. Oh, Daphne, I'm so sorry for being mean to you. If I had known that you were my sister, I wouldn't have treated you so bad!" Holly sobbed.
"It's okay." I started to cry as I hugged her.
"I do anything, for you." Holly sobbed.
I sniffled, "Did you do your streaks?"
"No. But Grandfather knows the owner of the salon who does it and I get my hair done for free. So we'll go on Saturday." Holly smiled.
"Thanks Holly." we hugged again.
"Knock. knock." Danny knocked on the door. "Are you girls done talking in there?"
"Almost." I said and smiled at my sister.
"Well, could you hurry it up a bit, I really want to make out in the bathroom."
"Your going to make out in the bathroom?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"We need you to look sexy then." Holly grinned.
I giggled, "How many minutes until he can come in?" I smiled.
"At least 30." Holly answered.
"Holly will open the door, while I wait for you in the bathroom in 30 minutes!"
"Alright, I'll be waiting.
"Nails, first. Next, Hair. Then, Clothes Make up, After." Holly said. "What color of nail polish do you like?"
"Purple." I answered undoing my messy ponytail and brushing my hair out in the bathroom.
"Really. I think Navy Blue is more of your color. But you choose what you want, I'm not your master." Holly sighed.
"No, actually you choose the color, after all you do know more about nail polish and what looks good on what people and surprise me with my hairstyle and make up too."
"Ok." Holly happily replied.
She came into the bathroom and I sat on the closed toilet seat and closed my eyes.
I had a dark navy blue strapless top that showed my stomach and a two piece swimsuit on under it, then the really mini skirt that had ruffles and was good for twirls was on over the bottoms of my swimsuit. I looked in the mirror and I looked beautiful, I had bangs across and they were cut and my hair was scrunched. My make up was smoky dark blue and cherry lip gloss. I told Holly that Danny- bear likes cherries.
"Here." she gave me two towels.
"Why do I need these?" I asked, confused.
"Know why your wearing a swimsuit?" Holly questioned.
"No." I answered.
"Well, I told Danny to change into his swim trunks because you two are going to make out in the shower. It seems like you two like each other to get to wash each other."
"Ok? Why?" I asked.
"Hey, I didn't spend all that time making you look sexy, just so you wash it all away. He lays down in the tub, then you act like your giving him a hug, or play hard to get." she coxed. "Oh, I laid a blow- up mattress, some pillows and blankets out, just in case, Danny gets uncomfortable."
"Now go on." Holly shooed me into the candle light bathroom.
She opened the door and allowed Danny in, "Your girl is waiting for you in the bathroom. I'll be going to hang out with the girls but I'm going to lock the dormitory door and I have a key, so, don't worry."
"I'm back!? How did it go?" Holly looked in the little hall bathroom, Daphne and Danny weren't there & the candles were blown out. Holly went to look in the actual dorm. She found me and Danny sleeping on my bed, with a cover over us but, Holly saw that we both had our swimsuits on."
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Ok, guys this chapter is finished, but I need more subscribers and an idea for the next chapter, comment to me about that! Thnkz! :D