‹ Prequel: Salometic Lunatic
Status: Re-Writing

Demolition Lovers

I'm Addicted To You

I ran away from Ciel as he stood there speachless.
'Foolish. You should have waited.' My mind told me,

I sighed and accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm sorry, Sir!" I said, looking at the man.
I heard someone come up behind us, I felt a sharp pain in my neck, where my pressure point was and everything went black.

I slowly came to consciousness and looked around. Of course I was in a dimly lit room, bound by my wrists and ankles to the wall by chains. My whole body was aching, my dress looked as if it were tattered and dirty, like I had been previously dragged in the mud.
I tried pulling the chains from the wall, to no avail. My heart was beating really fast. 'Don't scream.. they will just find out you are awake and torture you.' I told myself. I took deep breaths and looked for a way out of the place. I felt alone, and afraid. Feelings I thought I had taken control over, and eliminated.

You see, I had never really been the one to freak out over getting kidnapped, or being used as bait... But back then, Ciel had been with me, and he sent soothing words of comfort my way. This time, I was all alone.

The only door in the room opened; and a woman stepped through the threshold. "It's about time you woke up, Mae Leavold." she said, spitting my name out like it was acid. I was confused; Who was this woman? Had I really made her so angry as to make her go to the extreme and kidnap, and possibly kill me? Of course, there were dealings within my family that the public didn't know about, and this could be a vendetta between our families. However, the dark look in the woman's eyes bore into me, and had me convinced it was a deep personal hatred that consumed her.

I needed to know who she was, and I have a feeling she would explain soon. If not, I don't think I can control myself. Someone please, before it takes over.. Help this poor soul.
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REWRITE. Tell me what you think?