‹ Prequel: Salometic Lunatic
Status: Re-Writing

Demolition Lovers

Waltz of the Flowers

I wasn't about to be fooled by a woman. Although her smile made my heart race, and her tears made it lurch, I could not contribute outwardly to those feelings.
And her ignorance was really starting to piss me off.
"I really shouldn't tell you-" I cut her off, "Do not play these games with me, Mae!" I said harshly. I felt bad when I saw the shocked look on her face. She sighed, and adverted her gaze to her hands.
"We were to be married. Something we never really thought about. We were business partners, friends. We knew everything about each other. Of course it was the hardest thing for me to do, open up to you. And I know it was hard on you, too. And then the mansion caught ablaze. And I was taken." What? This made no sense. I was engaged to Lizzy.. But hadn't she said something about Mae and I? I met her stare, and noticed I had been silent a second too long. "Taken?" I asked, unsure what she meant by that. She looked as if she were having a conflict with herself. What if she was telling the truth; It could explain why everyone has been acting different towards me. And also why she acts the way she does.
I noticed her flinch, before she finally answered me. "Yes." she said, as if out of breath.
"Although you were not aware of it at the time, I had been abducted by someone. When I woke up, I was in a place with black and red candles all around the room. I had been tied down onto a wooden table, and I was wearing a black dress." She said, ignoring my stare. "It smelled like wax, and blood. And there was one door, and no windows. Thirteen people entered the room, dressed in black robes, and one stood at my head. I was confused, and my vision was blurry. But when my eyes finally adjusted, I saw my father standing over me, a dagger in his hand. My mother was at my feet. I looked up, and he was saying something in another language." She looked up at me, and I nodded for her to continue, fully aware Sebastian could hear every word.

"After he finished, he stabbed me." The coldness in her voice made me freeze. "I felt a rush of pain in my head, something I could never even consider wishing upon even my worst enemy. And With that rush of pain, came the darkness. It surrounded me, and made me feel a little afraid. And then a mirror appeared; with a woman in it. She looked exactly like me, but her eyes were blood red.
She beckoned me forward, looking at me with placid expression. Something that had comforted me. The darkness lit up, and turned red, but my eyes never left hers. 'Has the time come?' A voice sounded through the room. It was dark, and yet gentle. I was confused. She sighed, and placed her hand on the glass, examining me and continued 'Judging by how you look at the moment, I would say it has.' I closed my eyes, not wanting to see what she saw. She told me I couldn't hide from the truth. Then she let out a small laugh, it was innocent like that of a child. 'Your father awakened me inside of you. Everything is not what it seems.' she had said, before it started fading away. The last words I heard were 'Let me take care of them for you, My Lady' before I lost all feeling in my body."

I couldn't breath. What did that story mean? Was it meant to scare me, and had been entirely made up? But I recognized the pain in her voice, in her eyes, even the deep sorrows etched onto her face. How did I not see it before? It's like I was completely blind before she started her story.
I wonder if she knows about my eye, and Sebastian. If her claims have any truth behind them, she must. But how would I interrogate her further without giving any information away? I suppose it would have to wait for a later date.
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Yeeeaaaahhhh I wrote this for Alyse because she is LAZY! -Rewritten by Mello-