‹ Prequel: Salometic Lunatic
Status: Re-Writing

Demolition Lovers

You're The Harmony To Every Song I Sing

I smiled at Ciel, happy to get him to meet me once again. "Alois, My mother is staring daggers at me, I must leave. Thank you for inviting me and my family." I said, smiling brightly. "Of course, have a good night." he said, bowing and kissing my hand.
"It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Phantomhive." I said, "Call me Ciel, and the pleasure is all mine." He said, I smiled at him and Alois "Until next time." I said, waving. I hadn't said goodbye since I had lost Ciel that night.

"Mae, come on." Beldon said, impatiently, dragging me away by my arm. "Keep your hands off of me." I said, struggling to get out of his grip. "This is the only way I can get you away from those two." He said, "You are so rude." I said, ripping my arm out of his grasp. "Don't speak to me that way!" He yelled, I rolled my eyes "You are rude, incompetent, and ignorant." I said, walking away. "Don't turn your back on me, Mae!" He said, "Oh no Beldon, perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me." I said, calmly. He growled and slapped me, I smirked. "Is that all? Because I think this little scene should come to an end soon." I said, scoffing at his pitiful attempt to damage my ego.

While stepping into the carriage, I sneezed, and started falling backwards, I caught myself and giggled. 'I am so clumsy.' I thought, For the first time that night, my mind wandered to something other than Ciel. We finally got home and our maids smiled at us, my personal maid followed me to my room and dressed me. "Ms. Mae, please excuse me." She said when she was finished. The candle, which was still burning, sat on my nightstand as I slid into bed. "Ciel Phantomhive, you will be mine, Your mind, body and soul." I whispered, I blew out my candle and slowly fell asleep. Nightmares plagued me that night, making me thrash about and scream loudly.

The next morning I woke up groggily to the curtains being drawn open. "Ms. Mae, please wake up. You are expected to be in your study in thirty minutes." A maid said, dressing me. I tried refusing, but she was intent this morning. "Oh, stop acting like a child, Master Trancy is to arrive shortly." She said. "But, I don't want to get out of bed!" I said, thrashing my legs. She sighed and tied the bow around my neck. I 'humphed as she finished putting the dress on me.
"So, Alois is coming?" I asked, smiling. "no, I just needed you to get up." She said, walking out of the room. I growled and walked silently out into the garden.
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nothing really exciting.... Also... since I have no idea how to link objects.... >.> you will have to imagine what the dress looks like... -_-;