‹ Prequel: Salometic Lunatic
Status: Re-Writing

Demolition Lovers

Just A Little Insane

All through out dinner, Beldon stared behind me, I had wondered what he was staring at but I gave up trying to look.
Later that evening when we had returned home, mother was waiting for us. "Beldon, go up stairs." She had said, smirking. I had a look of terror on my face as she pulled out scissors from the small table beside her. "Disobediance will lead to loss of items." She had stated, pushing me onto a chair. She held my head still as I screamed.

Tears were streaming down my face as I laid in my bed. It wasn't the same. Most of my hair had been chopped off.

"Mae, get up, we are heading out." A voice shouted loudly the next day. Apparently I had fallen asleep without my knowledge. I lifted my head up and glared at Beldon. "And just where are we heading?" I asked, my throat and eyes were burning because of last night's wailing and crying. I knew now I could not face Alois or Ciel.
"To a place." He said, I stood up "Woah! Your hair is-" Beldon started, he stopped when I pushed past him and searched through my closet for a dress.

We entered the carraige and I noticed we were heading into town. "Why are we going to town?" I asked, confused. "Just wait." he said, smirking widely.
I looked around and saw a lot of people. Beldon lead me towards a jewelry stand. "Ahhh, Mr. Leavold. Here is your item." The clerk said, handing Beldon a small bag.
I looked questioningly at it "Here." He said, smiling. "Happy Early Birthday, Mae." He said, I opened the gift and there sat a ring inside a velvet box. "Beldon, thank you." I said, placing it on my right hand pointer finger.
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