‹ Prequel: Salometic Lunatic
Status: Re-Writing

Demolition Lovers

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep

"It's very unlady like to make anyone cry, Elizabeth! Whether they start it or not!" I yelled at her, then twitched. "Fine. I don't care anymore. We're not to be married, Ciel. I hate you!" She yelled back and snapped her head, glaring at Mae when she walked up to us. "Erm.. Ciel, can I speak with you?" She asked, and I smiled at her. "Wh--" "Young Master, it is time for you to get dressed in your attire," Sebasitan said, appearing out of no where and dragging me off.

Sebastian quickly gave me a tux that was all white with gold trims, making it difficult to tell who I really was. My mask matched my tux perfectly, and I hoped no one would recognize me.

When I was finally dressed, Sebastian pushed me out into a crowd of people and left me on my own. I weaved my way through the crowd and ended up running into Alois, who was wearing almost the exact opposite of my, his tux black with silver trims and his mask going with a moon theme. "Mae is looking for you," He whispered in my ear almost seductively and ran off giggling.