‹ Prequel: Fearing Death

Never Look Back


Jordyn couldn’t have been more thrilled to be back in Chicago, but as the summer wore on she found herself missing Tyler more and more. She had promised to keep in touch and see him when possible, and she was trying her hardest to keep that promise.

They Skyped at least twice a week and when they weren’t tweeting at one another, they were texting like crazy. It was a quiet Tuesday night in Chicago when Jordyn flipped her Mac open to see that Tyler was on Skype. She didn’t hesitate to press the ‘call’ button in hopes to catch a quick conversation with him before bed.

“Hey there.” Tyler smiled, his voice crackling at first as his image came over the screen. It was clear he was preparing for bed, too, shirtless in a pair of flannel pants as he sat on his bed, his pillows propped up behind him.

“Are you coming to visit me yet or what?” She laughed, that tinkling sound making him grin upon hearing her voice. “I mean I haven’t seen you in the flesh for what? A month?” She asked.

“Hey, you’re the one that hasn’t come to visit me yet.” He insisted. “How is moving back? Good?” He asked, not really wanting to know the answer, but knowing it was appropriate to ask anyways.

“It’s been good, we decided to stay at the apartment then later in the summer we’re going to look for a house I guess.” She shrugged. “It feels good to be home, ya know? This is where my family is and this is what I know. I feel like I can finally let out a breath I’ve been holding in forever.” She smiled softly. “How is your summer so far, Ty? How are you keeping up with school?” She asked.

He couldn’t help but notice how good she looked in her white tank, her hair piled up on her head and her face clean of makeup. He missed her so much, that it even surprised him just how much he wished she and Jon were back in DC. He felt almost betrayed that they would leave him all alone for the summer.

“It’s alright, I’ve just been working out, meeting with my trainer and hanging around the arena. It’s been a rink rat summer, that’s for sure.” He shrugged, causing her to notice the ripples of his shoulders underneath his tan skin.

“Come visit, we’ll have fun.” She insisted. “I can show you around the city and we can eat good food and have fun.” He laughed at her enthusiasm. “Come on Mr. Entry-Level-Contract. Click click on your computer, go to Travelocity and buy a plane ticket!” She finished.

“Hey now, you don’t get to talk to me about money Ms. Toews.” He stuck his tongue out at her.

“Come on, Ty, please?” She pouted, breaking his resolve.
“Okay okay.” He sighed, putting his hands up in defeat. “I’ll check out my schedule for the next good time and send you a text when I pick a few days.” He finished.

“Yes!” She grinned excitedly as she heard the front door open and close, Jon calling her name throughout the apartment. “Gotta run, Dad’s home with dinner.” She insisted. “Talk to you later! Go buy your ticket!” She wagged her finger at him before closing her Mac.

“Jo – food time, babe!” Jon called, bopping his head to the radio in the kitchen as he scooped mounds of pasta and meatballs out of plastic containers from Taste of Italy, Jordyn’s favorite Italian in all of Chicago. “Oof, Jord.” Jon laughed as Jordyn launched herself onto his back.

It felt like the good old days. It felt like JJ time all the time, and Jordyn and Jon – neither of them could be happier.

“Pile it on, Dad, I’m carbo-loading.” Jordyn insisted, grabbing the big loaf of garlic bread and tearing it in half, resting either piece on both plates.

“For what?” Jon laughed. “Lacrosse is in… six months?” He asked with a grin.

“Shut up.” She punched his shoulder, taking her plate straight into the family room and sitting on the couch, slipping Max a meatball before Jon could follow her in.

“So what’s on the agenda for this week? I was thinking about it and I really want to see what Segways are all about. We should head down to Navy Pier and check them out.” He insisted before shoveling a giant forkful of noodles into his mouth. “Then we could walk up the street and catch a movie? Or hit Lucky Strike?” He offered.

“Right, let’s do all of that.” Jordyn nodded. “Plus I told Gabey I’d take him to the zoo this weekend.” She added. “I talked to Tyler tonight, he’s going to come visit pretty soon.”

“Really? When?” Jon asked, not so surprised to hear that the boy that he knew cared deeply for his daughter would be coming to visit roughly a month after they had been separated. Sure, Jon knew about the three-year age difference between Tyler and Jordyn, but he knew what kind of kid Jordyn was and he knew what kind of kid Tyler was. He trusted both of them.

“I don’t know, hopefully within the next few weeks. He’s trying to make it sound like he’s so busy, but I know he’s just working out and doing nothing.” She laughed, breaking into her garlic bread. They were silent for a moment, eating their dinner in peace as they watched one of their favorite shows on TV – Ace of Cakes. “So, have you talked to Amy at all?” Jordyn pretended like she didn’t know their status, but she had maybe seen a few texts.

“We are going to dinner next week.” Jon said quietly, but she knew how much he wanted to smile.

Ooh, Dad has a date.” She teased, bumping her shoulder into his.

“Hey now, it’s nothing yet, we’re just catching up.” Jon insisted. “We’ll see how it goes.”

“I’m not worried, you love each other.” Jordyn shrugged, giving Jon a wide smile before stuffing her face with another meatball.

“Yeah, yeah, keep eating.”


As Jordyn and Jon sat at O’Hare International Airport, waiting near the arrivals board and baggage claim, she began to realize just how much of her time had been spent in his building. She’d never forget the four am flights with the team – tagging along with Sara or Amy and betting Jon they’d get to God-knows what state before the team’s plane.

The trips she and Jon had taken together to islands to escape their lives in Chicago.

The flights to Canada, their favorite place in the world when they’d get to see family and feel so at home in a place so far away.

Or the times she’d be in this same position, waiting for a loved one. Waiting for Amy when she returned from business trips, waiting for the Kane family or Dylan, or Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Davey. She thought of how fortunate she was for airports, not only for making her happy, but for testing her patience and making her grow as a woman.

Moving to Washington, flying Jon to a treatment center for recovering from his concussion, flying to New York as a gift for her birthday – they were all times she would never forget, and events she was reminded of whenever she stepped foot into the airport.

Three weeks after the Skype date that Jordyn proposed Tyler come visit, he finally got off his ass and bought a ticket. She wiggled excitedly in her seat, it had been ten minutes since his plane landed and she knew he would be coming down the escalators any moment.

Jordyn and Tyler would both agree that the dynamic of their relationship had changed over the past two months – she felt like she was missing a boyfriend more than a friend and they had been more affectionate with one another since being separated.

She could only wonder if it would end up changing the tone of trip or not.

“So what are the big plans?” Jon asked, breaking the excited silence.

“I don’t know! Probably see all the stuff, I guess.” Jordyn grinned, “go down to Navy Pier, Michigan Ave, take a boat ride, eat food.” She explained, a beaming smile across her face as she adjusted her green v-neck that paired nicely with her white peasant skirt and gold sandals.

“Don’t forget, tomorrow night we have family dinner.” Jon reminded. He and Amy had been hanging out a few times since their dinner a while back and Jordyn couldn’t be happier for either of them. Amy was the mother that Jordyn always wanted, and she knew that in time, that could be a definite reality.

“Tell Amy that she better make dessert too or no dice.” Jordyn tried to be serious but she broke into a giggle as her father rolled her eyes at her. Both of their attention turned as a new wave of people began to descend down to the baggage claim from the escalators. “Oh! Ty!” She hopped up out of her seat as he walked down the moving staircase. He barely had time to lace his arm through the other side of his backpack before Jordyn could throw herself into his chest, arms winding around his neck. “You’re here!” She grinned.

“I made it!” Tyler laughed, squeezing her tightly and swinging from side to side as he took in the scent of her perfume that he had come to miss.

“Good to see you.” Jon smiled, clapping Tyler on the back as he also took Tyler’s small duffel from the carousel. “Let’s get back, it’s hotter than hell outside.” Which was true, at mid-summer Chicago was reaching temperatures around ninety degrees with not much shade to take refuge in.

The car ride back to Jon’s house wasn’t long and he noticed the way the two teens held hands in the back seat as Jordyn rambled on and on about all the things she wanted to do while he was here for the next five days.

Arriving at the apartment, Jordyn gave him the grand tour before settling his things into the guest bedroom across the hall from Jon’s room. He nearly choked the previous day at her suggestion of letting Tyler sleep on the loveseat in her room – to which he replied that would never be happening. He was sure she liked to say those things just to watch the veins in his neck pop out.

It was too hot out to do any adventuring around the city the day Tyler had flown in so the next day was spent at Navy Pier. They held hands as they walked the boardwalk, riding the Ferris wheel, eating at Bubba Gump’s and taking photos left and right that Jordyn would cherish forever. They wandered around the mall and bought some tacky Chicago souvenirs and stopped for Starbucks. By the time they arrived back at the apartment, they were exhausted and ready to relax at Amy’s house where Jon would be grilling and she would be preparing side dishes and dessert.

“So it was a good day?” Amy asked as Jordyn and Tyler shared a lounge chaise in the backyard.

“Yeah,” Jordyn twisted her head to look back at Tyler who smiled at her sweetly. “It was definitely a good day.” She recalled the soft kiss they shared at the top of the Ferris wheel.

“These are about done.” Jon announced, grabbing the steaks and chicken breasts from the grill with his tongs, feeling rather masculine as he shut off the grill and brought the plate over to the patio table. Amy completed the dinner with potato salad, cut fruit and chips.

Tyler looked around the table as they ate and shared stories. He couldn’t believe what a good time he was having – he especially couldn’t believe that Jordyn has kissed him that afternoon. Sure, he knew that their texts and phone calls seemed really personal since she had moved back to Chicago but he never would have expected her to make a move on him.

Dinner was delicious and Jordyn finally felt complete, eating a meal with Jon, Amy, and now, Tyler. She knew that people around her, loved her.

“Dad and I will get dessert.” She insisted, collecting dishes and bringing them into the kitchen.

“Having fun, kiddo?” Jon asked, wrapping Jordyn up in a hug as he followed her into the kitchen.

“I don’t want to jinx it… but I’m just so happy.” Jordyn smiled. “It feels like Washington was so long ago.”

“I know what you mean.” He nodded.

“It just seems like a little flaw in our timeline. I wish Tyler was here instead of there.” She shrugged.

“The thing is, Jord.” He hugged her tightly as he looked out to the patio where Amy sat, smiling as she talked to Tyler. “You keep the ones you love beside you, and you never look back.”
♠ ♠ ♠
this is the end of NLB.
there will be an epilogue with a glimpse into jon and jordyn's future - because so many of you have asked for it!
thank you so much for sticking with this story for so long.
fearing death was my baby and continues to be what i think is my best story.
if you've ever read, commented or subscribed to NLB or FD, thank you so so much.
i appreciate every single one of you!
i hope you will all stick with me through my current stories and my future ones as well -
Bobby Ryan, Evgeni Malkin, as well as a Hurricanes Joint story.
thank you again,
<3 kara