I'm All Over You, Not Over You

In My Day Dreams, In My Sleep

My stomach churned as my eyes locked on her. She’d just entered, with him trailing behind her like a lost puppy. She looked as gorgeous as I remembered and I cursed out loud. My best friend sitting beside me gave me an odd look before he followed my gaze.

“Man, I thought we agreed you were over Jasey! What the hell?” He pushed my head so that I lost sight of her and snapped my focus back to him and the bar we were sitting at.

A heavy sigh escaped through my lips. “I thought I was.” I shrugged, knowing I’d never really stopped loving Jasey, like I told everyone I had. I’d never even given forgetting her a chance.

“Bullshit.” Jack muttered and I swallowed hard. The temptation to glance over at her was building up. I couldn’t deny it much longer. “I knew it was too fucking good to be true.” He shook his head and stared down at his liquor.

I took the opportunity to look over at her. She was dancing now, with the new guy she’d dragged in here. He was too busy grinding her ass to see me, but she looked up at just the right moment and our eyes locked. My breath caught, as it usually did when I was around Jasey, and her lips curled into a wicked smirk. She winked at me before turning around and pushing her hips against his.

The anger and jealousy rose so quickly, I choked on them. My fists clenched and I glared hard. It wasn’t fair and god, I hated her for doing this.

“You’ve got to let her go.” Jack spoke again and I tried to relax my jaw. “She’s going to drive you fucking insane, Alex. I mean, more so than she already has. Just forget her. She’s a slut anyway.”

“Yeah.” I agreed distractedly and picked my keys up from the bar. “I’m going home. I can’t stay here.” I shoved the keys into my pocket and put a ten down on the bar.

“Are you sure tha—,” he stopped as I clapped him on the back and forced a smile.

“It’s for the best.” I nodded and then left before he could say another thing. I didn’t want to hear about how stupid I was for loving her. I didn’t need another lecture about how wrong we were for each other. And I sure as hell didn’t need to see her make out with her new boy toy from across the room.

I hailed a cab and went back to my apartment, just waiting for when she’d call because I knew she would. She always called.
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word count :: 446; comment if you think I should win