I'm All Over You, Not Over You

Infatuation Turning Into Disease

Around 5:37 a.m. my phone started ringing. I didn’t jolt awake until the second time the ringtone was going off. I sat up on my couch and rubbed my eyes before reaching for the small, loud device.

Her name flashed across the screen. It took half a second for the phone to be pressed up against the side of my face. I cleared my throat and heard her giggle.


“Alex, baby!” Relief flooded through me as I noticed her tone was sober. I hated doing this when she was drunk. “I heard you were back in town?” I can hear the mischievous gleam in her eye as she pretends she didn’t see me at the bar. Fucking typical.

“Yeah, just for a few weeks.”

“Awe! I feel like I don’t ever get to see you anymore. What are you doing right now?” She giggles again and the sound is pure wicked.

“I was sleeping.”

“Well, have some coffee and wake your ass up. I’m coming over.” The phone clicks and I slowly pull mine away from my ear. There’s the sick feeling building up in my gut as I imagine her here and I can hardly breathe.

The thing nobody gets is how addicted I am to Jasey. It’s not just that I love her, but that I need her. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t give a shit about me or what I do. She just thinks I’m a good fuck and that’s it for her. She’s untouchable.

But she’s everything I want. She’s beautiful and her sense of humor is warped. She’s sarcastic about everything and a total pessimist. Material stuff isn’t her thing, she just loves to have a good time. Sometimes, she’s a downright bitch, but even then she’s perfect.

About five minutes later, she’s knocking on my door. I early jump up and quickly let her in. That Cheshire Cat smile is firmly on her mouth as she eyes me up and down.

“God, I’ve missed you, Alex baby.” She throws her arms around my neck and kicks the door closed with her heel. My chest loosens as I hold her in my arms.

“Missed you too, Jasey.” I bury my face in her neck and breathe in her vanilla scent. It’s enough to make my mouth water. Her hands find the top of my jeans quicker than expected.

“Why don’t you let me make up for lost time, then?” She pulls back and her eyes are clearly glazed over with lust. It kills me as I nod and crash my lips on hers. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make Jasey commit to me, but she won’t. So I settle.
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word count :: 446; comment if you think I should win : )