A Night In Paris

Paris is Beautiful

Who could deny the smell of fruity fresh crepes late at night? It certainly did attract more flies than vinegar would've. The bursts of fruit crept into my mouth, leaving a huge explosion after I swallowed it. Connor couldn't resist the sweet sugary taste of the actual French food we both craved. The small cafe we sat in gave a good veiw of the stars shining down. The Eiffel Tower a few blocks away. Even though traffic gave off awful noises just being near the loved one made me feel comfortable. I savored every moment that was captured in this romantic town. His blonde hair though kept getting in the way of his perfect blue eyes. I kept swiping it away from those eyes. I loved his eyes the most. He always pretended to hate it when I do that, but I knew he really did love it. I wish someone would take a picture, then this moment could last forever and ever. I wish it would never end.
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Word Count: 124

Yes, that really did happen >.>