Don't Pretend


“So you understand everything Miss Eliott?” The tall, aged doctor asked me.

I took a sharp breath in and nodded hopelessly.

“Well here are some information pamphlets, if you have any questions you can call my office.” He stated laying out various pamphlets out across the desk before getting up and walking out the door.

I shook my head looking down at them. How could he be so blunt about the whole situation? It’s like he was born without any damn emotions. I rolled my eyes grabbing a single pamphlet from his desk, shoving it into my purse. Briskly, I walked out of his office and into the sharp winter air. I shivered into my jacket before getting into my car and cranking the heat up.

I sighed as the warm heat hit my face and I immediately relaxed. I pulled out of the snowy parking lot and drove home drumming my fingers on the steering wheel every so often. I walked into my heated house and dropped my keys on a small table next to the door.

I coughed loudly, my chest heaving in displeasure. I groaned and shuffled over to my room and went searching through my desk. I went to various pieces of paper until I found the one I wanted.

I walked with it back over into my kitchen sitting down in one of the wooden seats. I nibbled at the top of my pen as my eyes darted down the list crossing things out here and there.

Almost to the bottom my eyes stayed glued to a single phrase.

Live in England

I studied it for awhile, thoughts pondering around in my mind. I let out another sharp cough and I quickly grabbed a tissue. I spit out the red liquid into it and pulled a face before throwing it away.

I grabbed my laptop and sat down in front of the TV. I typed away on my computer searching website upon website trying to find something decent, after all I was looking for my new home.
♠ ♠ ♠
The real chapters will be longer, I promise.
I have the next chapter written, so tell me if I should continue it or not.
Charlie Eliott.