Don't Pretend


I scratched my head as I stood in front of my parents.

“So, I’m going to go to England. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do,” I explained tugging on the inside of my cheek, “But you guys don’t have to worry. I’ll be back with you guys soon enough.” I smiled weakly. I knew I wasn’t going to get an answer out of them. Of course I wouldn’t of; I knew better than that.

I sighed turning sharply away from them and made my way home where I already had my suitcases packed and the house cleaned out. By some miracle I had found a newly married couple to buy the house. I was letting them keep the furniture because there was no way I could take all that stuff with me to England.

My flight was booked for tomorrow to fly into Manchester at eight in the morning. I smiled thinking about how much of a nice change it would be. It’s not like I have anything holing me back here.


After a short nap and a little something to eat I grabbed my two luggage bags and grabbed a taxi to take me to the airport. I was ready to leave.

I felt relaxed when the plain took off, yet anxious. I’ve never left the States, other than a quick trip up to Canada. I glared out of the small window into the darkness of the ocean. Between looking out into the sea and the quite sound of the air whooshing around the plane I feel asleep.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to see a flight attendant smiling at me.

“Excuse me Miss, I’m going to have to ask you to put your drink trey up. We’ll be landing shortly.” She smiled.

I nodded and locked the plastic, off-white tray back into the seat in front of me as she walked off. I smiled anxiously as I looked out the window. We were now flying over small towns and cities. By the time we landed my forehead probably had a red mark on it from being pushed up against the window.

I got off the plane and looked around the bustling airport. Business men and women where fast walking about, young children were crying and wining, and teenagers had their eyes stuck to their phones.

I looked around for a sign for baggage claim but I didn’t have much luck. I wandered up to a security man and asked him about it.

“Yer gonna wanna follow teh blue signs for arrivals an’ it’ll beh on yer right after teh stairs.” He instructed.

I smiled and thanked him quietly and followed his directions until I was standing in front of a moving conveyor belt with people’s luggage on it. I soon found mine and grabbed it, struggling just a bit.

I rolled out towards the front of the airport where I flagged down a taxi. I stepped in and told him where I wanted to go. He nodded his head and started off.

I looked out at the streets and the scenery. It wasn’t all much different from what the States where like, but it seemed so much more relaxing.

It took awhile but I finally got to the town I wanted to be in.

“Welcome teh downtown Sheffield.” The cabbie laughed lightly pulling up to a curb that I assumed was in front of my apartment complex.

“Thanks.” I smiled handing him the cab fare and got out of the car. I slung one of my bags over my shoulder and looked up at the building before walking in. I took the elevator up to the fourth floor and walked up to room 42. I took a deep breath in and put the key in the door knob and swung the door open. The door hit the interior wall with a thud and I slowly made my way in, inspecting everything little thing. I coughed loudly into my sleeve. For a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment; it wasn’t that bad.

I smiled and walked around in it checking out all the rooms. After settling I decided to go walk around the town and try to come familiar with things. I grabbed my purse and zipped up my hoodie and walked out of the apartment.

My hands were stuffed in my jean pockets as I walked down the bitterly cold sidewalk. I looked down at my scuffed shows and sighed. I was so happy I was finally here, but I was beginning to realize I didn’t have anything here. Nothing to do, no one to see. It would just be a place to live and watch my life crumble from underneath me. While all of this was processing through my head I hit someone and I fell tumbling backwards.

“Shit.” I mumbled sitting up a bit from the ground.

The other person gasped slightly, “Aye, I’m so sorreh. I wasn’t payin’ attention teh were I was walking and-“

I cut him off, “It’s okay.” I chuckled.

He put out his hand to help me up and I gladly took it. I brushed myself off and looked up at him. He had electric blue eyes that were filled with concern.

“Are yeh sure yer okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I laughed at his concern for a complete stranger.

“I’m really sorreh.” He apologized again.

“Seriously, its fine, I’m okay.”

“If yeh say so,” he smiled, “I’ve gotta beh goin’. Sorreh again!” He said walking past me.

I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly looking over my shoulder back at him.

I think I was going to like this place after all.
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