Status: Complete

Just a Feeling


When they got back to the school, there was a crowd anxiously waiting at the gates, the head of which was a dignified-looking old man Rowan had never seen before. Luke pulled the car to a stop, turning off the engine, and everyone got out. Everyone in the crowd, which, Rowan guessed, consisted of the entire population of the school, stared at them all. Of course, more eyes were glued to Rowan than all of the others combined.

A brown haired boy came hurdling out of the crowd, and he hugged her tightly in front of everyone. Rowan didn’t react at all- she was too surprised- and the boy stood back, putting his hands on her face and studying her, as if to make sure she was really there, really alright. Rowan saw that it was Ash.

“Where did you get these marks?” he asked gently, moving his fingers lightly over the bruises on her face from when she’d run into things face-first.

Rowan was saved from responding when the old man coughed. “I think we’d best take this somewhere more… private.” Ash took Rowan’s hand and led her after the old man, who was walking towards the building where Rowan knew all of the offices were. She’d gotten her schedule and room assignment here, as well as visited the nurse.

A glance behind her showed that Delaney, Braden, Evan, and Luke were following behind, and that the crowd was slowly dissipating. Rowan looked up at Ash, who was still studying her. She felt uncomfortable under his scrutiny, and would have tugged her hand out of his, but she could tell by his expression that that would not go over well. He looked… well, he looked protective, and like he cared about her much more than you’d think a recent acquaintance would.

Heck, she couldn’t even call him a friend and look at him now. She wondered why the man they were following didn’t mind that Ash was coming.

They came at last to a spacious office on the third floor. The man settled behind the desk, where a name plate labeled him Mr. Novak. Everyone else settled themselves awkwardly into various chairs scattered around the room. Rowan and Ash sat directly in front of the desk.

“I can’t express how sorry I am, Miss Connor, that this happened to you. The person responsible will be punished.”

“I’m sorry,” Rowan said before he could get out another word, “But I’m afraid the fault is all mine. I insisted that Luke and Evan leave me alone. I demanded it, even. I didn’t know that this could happen. I mean, why would anyone bother kidnapping me?” Her voice betrayed how astounded she was at the very possibility.

Mr. Novak looked to Luke, locking eyes with him, then with Evan. “You both should know better than to leave her alone.”

“But why?” Rowan couldn’t stop herself from asking. She was sick of being kept in the dark.

An uncomfortable silence fell. Mr. Novak studied his hands for a moment before meeting Rowan’s gaze. She stared him down, daring him not to explain things to her.

“You’re quite right. An explanation is long past due. But where to begin?” he asked himself. “Well, let’s try this. What do you remember from before your parents’ death?”

Rowan gulped. “Nothing,” she whispered. Luke looked at her, confused.

“You told me a couple of weeks ago that your mother painted,” he said. Mr. Novak smiled.

“She did. In fact, that piece you see on the wall over there was done by her.” Rowan turned around and gaped at a lovely painting of a lone tree surrounded by a brilliant sunset.

“I didn’t know that. I don’t know why I said it. I don’t remember,” Rowan whispered to herself. Everyone stared at her. “I… I dreamed about her painting. She painted a picture of me once, in my dream. I was so proud. She let me dress up in this frilly blue dress, and I posed for hours. After she finished, it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen- except for her.”

Ash blinked in surprise. “That wasn’t a dream. I know where that painting is.”

Rowan felt tears building. “What does this have to do with anything?” she asked, grimacing when her voice trembled.

“All in good time, Miss Connor. Now, what else have you… dreamed?” Mr. Novak asked kindly.

“I don’t know. It’s so hard…” Rowan straightened her back. She was acting like a weak coward. “I drea-… No, I remember, I suppose, being left with an Aunt Gracie. But if I was left with her, how did I end up in an orphanage?” When no one answered, she continued. “I remember… a brother. I had a brother. He was the sweetest, kindest boy in the world.” Ash made a strangled choking noise, but no one said anything. Rowan studied her fingers and continued, “And I know this couldn’t have happened, but I remember people calling me Princess Rowan, and my mother was Queen Evelyn. That couldn’t have been right, though.” Rowan was blushing furiously.

“It seems you remember more than you thought. Miss Connor, all of that happened.” Rowan stared at Mr. Novak in confusion.

“It can’t have.”