Status: Complete

Just a Feeling


They drove east for a little while, until they pulled up to a building that was ratty, but strong looking. “What is this place?” Rowan asked.

“This is the armory,” Ash said. He sounded confused. “Why are we here?”

The driver, who happened to be Mr. Proctor, the science teacher, turned around and said, “They figure that this is the safest place for Miss Connor to hide, considering who will be protecting her.” He glanced at Izzy.

They got out of the car and ran into the building, locking the door, bolting it, putting a bar across it, and shoving a dresser in front of it. The windows were all boarded over already, so Rowan figured she was as safe as she’d ever be.

They all followed Mr. Proctor through a giant vault-looking door and into a huge room that was filled with more weaponry than Rowan had ever seen in her life. There were all sorts of guns, but there were also swords, bows, spears, axes…

“I think I can work with this,” Izzy whispered. She made an axe levitate, swinging it around.

“Don’t mess with the weaponry unless you have to,” Mr. Proctor said nervously, pulling at his tie. What a wimp.

“Aye aye, Sir.” The axe dropped.

Rowan was led to a sitting area in the back and she settled herself on a couch. All there was to do now was wait.

It took over an hour, but finally, finally, Mr. Proctor got a phone call. Whoever called did most of the talking; Mr. Proctor just said a lot of ‘mhm’s and ‘uh huh’s. Rowan waited not-so-patiently for him to get off the phone. Finally he did, and he said, “The fighting’s over. A couple of people ended up injured on our side, but no one died. Haley O’Shea is missing, and we have people after her. We think she can lead us to the rest of the people acting against you, Miss Connor. And…” Here, the teacher hesitated.

“What is it? Just tell us. It can’t be worse than the suspense,” Rowan pointed out, her hands clutching at Ash’s.

“Alright… Delaney O’Shea has been kidnapped.” Rowan felt her heart lodge firmly in her throat. “We think we know where she is, though. A young man by the name of Braden Garlow has informed us that he believes she is being taken to their headquarters, which is at the old abandoned Purell factory.”

“No, she hasn’t. She can’t have been. She... Oh, Lord,” Rowan said, putting her head into her hands. She felt Ash put his arms around her and she leaned into him.

“We’re going to save her,” Rowan said a moment later.

“No. They’ll send people after her. You shouldn’t leave this place,” Ash said. He started feeling nervous. He knew that if Rowan was determined to do something, she would do it. She wouldn’t let anyone hold her back.

“I’m going, Ash. You can come with me, or you can wait for me to get back. But I can’t just sit here! My best friend is in trouble. She needs me.”

“Our family is much too noble for their own good,” Ash said with a hint of irony. It was stunts like this that had gotten them the crown so long ago. “Let’s go.”

“Wait! You can’t just walk out of here! Princess, I’m sorry, but you’re not leaving the building,” Mr. Proctor said. Rowan caught Izzy’s eye, and Iz nodded.

“There’s a window in the bathroom,” Ash said helpfully.

“We’ll be back soon, with Lane,” Rowan called over her shoulder as she and Ash ran to the bathroom. She glanced back and felt bad when she watched Mr. Proctor start to run after her, but freeze when Izzy controlled him with her telekinesis.

She faintly heard Livy saying, “It’s okay. You’re not afraid she won’t come back. You’re not afraid for her. You’re not afraid of getting in trouble for letting her go.”

“I guess her gift does come in handy sometimes,” Rowan muttered as Ash tore off the wood that was nailed over the bathroom door. It was either this or trying to open the safe door, which would take far too long. There was no hope of getting out of here once Luke and the others arrived.

Rowan might have been able to talk her brother into coming along, but she knew that Luke would never agree, and if it came down to tying her up, he would do whatever it took to keep her here where her safety was guaranteed.