Status: Complete

Just a Feeling


They managed, barely, to get through the window and high jacked the van, speeding down the street to the factory where Lane was. “What is it with people and abandoned buildings?” Rowan grumbled. Ash just laughed softly and gestured for her to be silent.

He concentrated for a few very long moments, and Rowan burned to ask what he was doing; she didn’t question him, though. After all, he was her big brother, and he was obviously up to something. Rowan noticed that a flock of birds flying over the factory froze.

“Let’s go. I don’t know how long I can hold this,” Ash said, taking her hand. They sprinted into the building, past a couple of goons who had been holding open the front door, about to enter. Rowan’s heart sped as she passed them, terrified that they would unfreeze and both she and her brother would be seized, but nothing happened.

“Phew,” she muttered. Ash pulled her through a door labeled ‘Janitorial Closet’, and just after he shut the door, Rowan heard voices. The building was off ice.

“That was close,” Ash whispered in her ear, hugging her to him. If they got caught… he shuddered.

“I can feel her… she’s somewhere above us. We’ll have to find a stairwell.” Ash nodded, and a set of footsteps passed. Rowan reached out, feeling for emotions anywhere near them. The nearest people were pretty far away. “I think it’s clear. Let’s run for it.”

They linked hands and burst out of the closet, sprinting down the hallway and through an opening where stairs were just visible.

Ash walked backwards up the stairs, so that he would see if anyone came in. Meanwhile, Rowan looked ahead.

After going up one flight, she looked at Ash, alarmed. “Freeze!” she whispered urgently. Ash heard the footsteps a second later and concentrated on freezing; his panic lent to his abilities, and he managed to make the person stop just before they would have rounded the corner and seen the siblings.

“Lane’s on the next floor.” They ran up the stairs and, after Rowan made sure the coast was clear, went out into the hallway. Ash followed Rowan down the hallway, and down another, until she stopped outside of a door. It was unguarded, and Ash saw why- it was steel and had no doorknob. There were, however, a complicated series of latches and keyholes.

Rowan looked to Ash with panicked eyes. “How do we manage this?” she asked.

“Is anyone around?” Ash asked.

“No, no one,” Rowan said after a long moment.

“Lane? Are you there?” Ash called.

“Who’s there? Ash? That had better not be you, because that means that Rowan-”

“Hi, Lane!” Rowan called, hiding back a smile.

“You idiot!” Lane hissed through the door.

“Stand back. Get as far away from the door as you can,” Ash warned. He waited until Rowan nodded at him, signaling that Lane had done so, and pulled her away from the door. The next second, it had exploded.

“That was loud. It’s going to have guards running here. We’ve got to get away,” Ash muttered. Delaney was already running out of the room, wild-eyed but collected.

“You two are fools,” she muttered as they fan down the hallway. There were footsteps coming, and they turned the other way, but there were already people there. They were surrounded.

“This… is not good,” Rowan said. She had no way to fight. She was defenseless. Ash sent her a panicked look, obviously thinking the same thing.

“Stay behind me,” he commanded. He was too nervous to make them freeze. His sister was going to die and it was going to be all his fault, he thought.

Lane, though, she was already fighting. She flung balls of lightning at people, leaving burns all over them. A couple passed out, but she wasn’t doing enough damage, not fast enough. They were outnumbered.