Status: read & comment for more(:

Recycling Love

This is how it all starts.

She carefully rolled her message up so that it would fit into her plastic bottle.

Perfect, she thought.

When the bus stopped, she looked up and her classmates began to get out of the schoolbus. As soon as everyone was out, she grabbed her bottle and bag, then got off.

It's now or never, Jasmine. If it wasn't for Grace's ''magnificent'' dare, I wouldn't be doing this at all. Watch her plan fail epicly. Then again, Grace is bright. Not just bright, very bright. I think that that was my worst fear of all. Her plan might actually work. Or it can just fail epicly. I like fail epicly a lot better though. I mean, come on, who would write back to a person that puts a message in a bottle? That's just cheesy. . . Am I right or what?

Jasmine reached the doors to the school's building and found the nearest trashcan by her locker, so that she could have a good view of people that would either: A) Walk right pass the bottle, B) Pick up the bottle, read the note, and laugh, C) Just throw the bottle and note away without reading it, or D) Pick up the bottle, read the note, and then recycle the bottle.
The halls were empty, so she placed the plastic bottle she had right beside the trashcan and walked off to her class.

So there's one thing I don't really get, do I go and confront the person that gets my bottle and message? Will they write back and stand at the trashcan for me? This is one thing that Grace definitely did not think out. . . Unless she has something else planned. . . And that's scary. .
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Two Authors, myself, & my friend Gabby :)
She'll join soon :D