Status: read & comment for more(:

Recycling Love


There I was, walking to my locker when I saw my friend, Daniel, pick up a plastic bottle. He was going to trash it, but I luckily had the chance to grab it before he threw it away. "Dude, recycle it. Our school needs the money."

"Gosh. Sometimes, I think you're nerdier than I am. And you're the one with the looks. Now that's just sad. Please tell me why?" He looked annoyed, yet confused at the same time. I looked at the bottle as Daniel tried figuring things about how I looked better than him. He's right. I am smarter or "nerdier" than him. Right now at least.
I twisted the cap open and shook the bottle so that I could get out what was inside. It reminded me of when I was a little kid, trying to look for the prize inside the cereal box. I never did find it though. That upsets me. . .
A piece of rolled up paper fell out, and I unrolled it so that I could read it.

Dear Random Person that picked the plastic bottle up and is reading this letter,

That was a long greeting, don't you think? Anywho, if you don't mind, please recycle this bottle. Thank you. (: I guess you're wondering why you're reading this and I have the perfect explanation for that question. So I have this friend, Grace. Supersmart. She dared me to write this note and put it in a plastic bottle and put it somewhere so that I can possibly make a ''penpal'' or even a ''penlover." Yeah, I know. It seems really pathetic. Had to do it though, because I mean, would you rather write a note in a bottle that someone probably won't read or would you rather dip your entire head in a toilet filled with pee? Yep, that was the consequence. And that's my explanation for you. No reply required.


P.S Remember to recycle. This school needs the money ^-^

"Are you listening to me, Sam?" Daniel groaned.

"Uhh, yeah?"

"You suck. What are you reading?"

"The note in the bottle."

"There was a note in there? Wha- How come I didn't see it?!"

"You were going to trash it."

"Oh. . . My bad."

"Yeah, I'll catch you later, though. See ya!"

I should definitely write back. This girl amuses me. Maybe for once, something exciting can happen in my life. I think, as of right now, I like her attitude. One short message, can mean many things.

I recycled the bottle and then pulled out a pen and sheet of paper. Good thing I had study hall today.
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Chapter titles will be the person's POV.
Or mostly. . . Not so sure about that yet.
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Gabby will be joining soon (: