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Recycling Love



Smart people can make mistakes, right? Perhaps Grace made me make a huge mistake. Oh, no. So, pathetic. I don't want to look like a complete tree hugger. I mean I don't want to seem like an idiot for recycling some random bottle. What am I talking about? It's probably in the trash somewhere. Ha.

"Wha - " I start to ask myself. I bent down to the bottle and shook it real hard. The paper slid out into my opposite hand. I started to smile as I unfolded the note.
The smile vanished real fast. It was the same letter, my letter.
"Jasmine, there you are." I turned around and Grace was looking down on me.
I stood up and handed the note to her.
"It worked?" She was excited.
"Not really."
Her head tilted. "It's my letter, Grace."
She bit her lip and apologized. I just nodded and we started to walk to class.

The teacher grunted as he stood next to this boy. I think his name is Samson or Sam? Something like that.
The teacher grunted.
The boy looked up at him.
The teacher took the piece of paper from his desk.
"What is this?" The teacher wondered.
The paper only had a few words, but I couldn't tell.
"Uhm, a letter."
"Study hall, maybe."
"Sorry, Mr. Smith. It won't happen again," The S-named boy apologized.

A letter? Maybe it's just my hopes getting high again, or it's a miracle. The letter could be for me. The letter could be for anybody. But, then again the letter could be for me.

Grace nudged me as we were walking past that trash can once again.
I glanced and the bottle was still there.
I exhaled sharply and picked up the bottle. Still the same letter.
"High hopes and crossed fingers," She reassured me. I put the bottle back down and whispered a sweet wish. An obvious wish.

I wish that this will all work out the way it's meant to be.

While we were walking towards the busses I saw that boy in the corner of my eye. You know, the one where his name starts with an S? Oh, gosh. Do wishes happen that fast?
I could feel his eyes on me. Grace and I just kept walking.
Was he bending down? Did he wonder what I was doing? Would he care to read the letter? Please, don't let this anticipitation kill me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, this is my first chapter of the story. What do you think?