I'll plant a seed there to remember you...

This was it...

Gerard's P.O.V

I rushed quickly out my front door. Frank had phoned me. He told me that something happened with him and his boyfriend Quinn. Even though I was kind of glad that they had finally broken up, I had to be there for my best friend. This could be the only chance I get to tell Frank how I feel about him, and how long I've felt it. He doesn't even know that I'm gay, never mind the fact that I like him. However, I don't think tonight would be the best night to tell him. He might just get confused, and that's the last thing that I want for him.

After about 10 minutes of walking and thinking of what I would say to him when the time is right, I finally reached his house. I knocked on his front door and a few moments later I was met by Frank. Tears were streaming down his face and his eyes were puffy as if he'd just cried an ocean.

"Quinn broke up with me," was the very first thing he said to me. I did the only thing that I could think of for this moment and pulled him into a comforting hug. I know I said I was glad earlier, but I really felt for Frank right now. I guess Frank really did love this guy.

I don't understand. People have gotten the chance to be with Frank, and they've thrown it away so easily. I would do anything to be with him. Even if it were just for a short amount of time. Who am I kidding? As if someone like Frank would ever fall for someone like me. I know this might sound cheesy, but…He was perfect. That's the only word you could use to describe him.

I pulled away from the hug slightly, so that our faces were facing each other. So close that you could notice every detail of his face, but not too close that he'd get creeped out. I placed my hand softly on his cheek and wiped away the falling tears.

"It'll be ok Frankie," I whispered.

I couldn't think of any other comforting words. I don't even know if there is anymore, but I was telling the truth. Everything was going to be ok. He just needs a little time to get over him. Frank could do better than him anyway.

"Thank you Gerard," he whispered as he buried his face in my shoulder.

-2 Months Later-

It's been 2 months since Frank and Quinn broke up and thankfully, Frank was over him. I have already told Frank that I was gay. So, the first step to telling him that I like him was through. Now was the hard bit though. Actually telling him. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous. I've never been more nervous in my entire life! We've been friends basically our whole lives. What if he doesn't feel the same? What if he laughs in my face? Our friendship would be ruined…

Although, for some reason, it felt right that I was going to do this. I can't explain why, but it just felt like this was going to set my life on the path where it should be, if you know what I mean. However, I still had that tiny bit of doubt in the back of my mind, telling me that it wasn't too late to turn away from this plan, but I wasn't going to.

Again, I found myself at the front door of a very familiar house. I knocked. Frank opened to door to me, he was pulling on his jacket as he exited his house to come with me. We were going to the park, well, if you counted an abandoned park with lots of trees and one swing set an ordinary park. This was me and Frank's park though. No one else goes there. And we never go there with anyone else but each other.

Once we had reached the park, we sat under The Old Willow Tree. We found this place when we were 9 years old, and this is always where we sit. I felt at peace until Frank started to talk again…

"So what did you need to talk about?" Frank asked.

My heart started pounding in my chest and I felt my breathing change from normal to a rabid speed. Frank was giving me a weird look, so I guess I'd better say something. This was it. It was either now or never…

Frank's P.O.V

As we sat under The Old Willow Tree, I studied Gerard's face. He looked nervous, and he was also fidgeting with his hands. All the way here I've been trying to figure out what he'd need to tell me. He was like a closed book. Well, I can't say I'm shocked; he's never been the one for opening up to people about anything. Sometimes he wouldn't even tell me things and I've been his best friend since we were tiny children.

He took in a deep breath. I'm guessing he's about to tell me what's going on. He looked so cute when he was nervous. I guess I've always a tiny bit of a crush on him. There were a lot of people who did actually. He is quite a good looking guy. Okay, he's a really good looking guy.

He opened his mouth to talk. This was it…

At first, I couldn't make out what he was saying. He just mumbled it and I gave him a confused look. I think he took that in the wrong way, because his face went bright red and he got to his feet as quickly as he could.

I grabbed his hand to stop him from taking his leave. He looked away, with an ashamed look on his face. I stood up so I could look him in my eyes.

"Sorry Gee, I couldn't hear what you said" I reassured him.

He let out a relieved sigh but I think then he realised that that meant he had to repeat himself. The nervous look, once again, etched across his facial features. He took another deep breath and this time when he said it, I heard every single word…

"You like me?" I questioned.

I can't say that I'm not shocked. I mean, I like him too, but I never imagined that he would like me too. He nodded at me slowly; he was obviously scared of what my reaction would be. Wow. I was never expecting this. Shit, I've been standing in silence for ages now! Say something Frank! This must be making him awkward as hell. Come on Frank; tell him you feel the same! Tell him!

"Cool" I said, without even thinking might I add.

Cool?! Why did I say that?!

His jaw dropped at my response. He turned to walk away. This was it, if I didn't stop him and tell him now, I never will.

I grabbed Gerard's arm to stop him. He tried to pull away from my grasp slightly but eventually he gave up. Surprisingly, I was slightly stronger than him, but was taller than me. I hate being so short! Gerard looked at me; I could tell that he was on the verge of crying. His eyes threatened to let tears fall from them, but he was holding them back as hard as he could.

"I like you too" I stated plainly.

His face lit up.


"Really" I whispered, and I pulled him into a sweet kiss.