My Little Dove

How I Wish You Were Mine.

You know whenever you see a beautiful creature, for example a dove, you just need to admire it? I found my pretty delicate dove. We never engaged in some kind of conversation or some sort. I prefered keeping my distance, a low profile. I kept an eye on my delicate dove, making sure no one steals her away. Still, when I finally got some courage, my mind still backed me down. I wanted to say at least two words to my delicate dove.

"So how'd you do it this time Josie the great?" Her friend bowed down to her as they ran onto the train. My mind made sure my body camoflauged myself behind other travelers on the train. I needed to make sure her brian didn't recognize myself before.

'My mother never thinks of windows, you know? I'm practically a pro now," my dove laughed. It flowed in my mind, clicking off happiness. My eyes peered behind a over-coat, gazing at the beauty I never saw before. Her hair tied up in a messy bun, while she wore a red dress that outlined her perfect curves. My fists clenched together, wanting to feel her silky skin.

"You are offically my idol! You need to tell me your secrets," her friend draped over the pole. Every stared at my dove and her friend, they were the center of attention. Eyes of curiosity stared them down, wondering who they were. I knew who they were.

"A good girl always tells her secrets," she hushed. Both of them bursted out laughing, hanging on top of one of another. It seemed obvious both had been badly intoxicated. As they moved closer towards me, the ones in front of me moved to the side. I froze, completely froze.

My dove's brown eyes stared past through the other people, facing me. It gave me the sensations that words would be an understatement for. Her electric blue hair popped out from the crowd, I felt it choking my neck. Still, she seemed so far away than just a few feet away. An amused smiled popped on her face.

She danced her way through the crowds, leaving her friend sitting on one of the chairs. My face heated up as hers got closer. Not only did our eyes connect with each other, our souls mixed into one of another. She might've not felt that way, but I sure did.

"You're pretty," she tapped my nose as she got close to my face. Her breath stenched of liquir that she probably chugged down.

"Thank you," I said in a monotone voice. I let my voice be emotionless, to let her know that I didn't care for her. I didn't need her to know about anything just from the hint of my voice, I wouldn't take that risk.

"You should come back to my place, and we can hang out," she draped herself into my arms. Her words slurred together, still her words sang to me. A precious melody, made her words entertain me. Still, would I take that risk of doing something retarded? No, I wouldn't.

"Sorry, I don't go home with strangers," my strength held me back from blurting out the word yes. I felt pretty accomplished though, not going home with her. A part of me ached to see that body in motion with mine. Yet, another part wanted to stay away.

"Well, I'm Joise," she hiccuped. It sounded so adorable the way she said her name. My palms sweated from the way she tried so hard to take me to her place. Maybe this was my only chance, no it wasn't.

"I'm Tanner," I kept my face looking straight a head, past her face. She came up to about my neck, so I didn't look into her eyes that much.

"There! Now we aren't strangers," she giggled as she fell into my arms. I caught her before both of us winded up lying on the ground with even more eyes on us. Still, it felt like both of us were the only ones riding this train.

Suddenly, the train stomped on it's breaks, sending everyone flying to their very own doom. We both ended up on a train seat, with her body sprawled across my lap. She looked so delicate and fragile. My hand petted her blue hair, it felt soft and warm. Everything felt pretty right. I wish someone would've taken a picture to savor the moment. Hopefully she won't remember a thing in the morning.

"You're a beautiful amazing girl, Joise," I whispered as she snored herself to sleep. Tension died down as she stayed there longer. I enjoyed every minute of what happened, I doubted it might again though. I would never have gotten the courage to say that to her when she awaken. So, I told her my story. I told her how I watch her from place to place as she disobeyed her mom and dad. I took pictures of her laughing and smiling with her friends. I adored her so much. I kept the pictures in my pocket, to make me smile when I feel alone. "With your pictures, I never feel alone."

Oh my little dove, how I wish you would never fly away. Oh my little dove, how I want you in my grip. Oh my little dove, how I wish I could call you mine.
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