Our Type of Kissing

The only difference between can and could is pretty much the world

“Any kinda boy you want girl, that’s the” my ring tone interrupts me silent

pleas to a God I don’t even know exists. So much for sanity. “H’llo?” I

mumble, not really caring. “Kaley?” Chris’s voice jolts me up like an electric

shock. “Chris? Everything okay?” “Well…” the static crackles. “No. I… I

don’t even know why I’m calling; I just knew I had to. Crazy huh?” I look to

the note. “Not really.” “Why? Kaley, are you alright? Did you… are you… ??”

I smile at his upset tone before sliding down the wall. “It’s okay Chris, just

feelin’ a bit low.” I finger the pills. He doesn’t answer for a couple of

seconds. “Anything a dinner for two can fix?” I manage a pitiful laugh, which

sounds more like a high pitched breath. “Yes, thank you. Chris…” I bite my

lip, “I miss you.” Silence. I hear him sigh, and could swear he is getting

glassy eyed. Oh Gosh, those big brown eyes… a stray tear falls down my

cheek. “I, I need you.” My voice trembles and I try not to cry anymore,

heaven forbid he takes me out with red puffy eyes. “Kaley, you don’t think I

don’t care about you? Do you?” it’s my turn to be silent as the tears brim

over. “Kaley, I care about you more then you can ever know. I’ll pick you up

in half an hour okay?” “’Kay.” I mutter, tryna hold it together long enough to

hang up. I do, and the waterworks let loose. I make a mental note to use

waterproof mascara tonight. After all, if everything goes through, it may be

the last time I ever see him, and who wants a tainted memory anyway?
♠ ♠ ♠
k, two things. #1, for those of you who didn't get the title, go back to the line "more than you can ever know" and switch can for could. see?? and #2 in case you didn't see it, i put in another subliminal shout out to BTR with the ringtone, and off of that, a shout out to another book on this site, "If we never flew." checkit out if you get the chance :)