Our Type of Kissing

Chromosome Y, as in “Oh good God, ‘Y’ me?!?!”

Chris’s POV

I pace outside of the apartment, waiting for Kaley. Finally the door cracks

open and her head pops out. She smiles sorta halfway, a little embarrassed.

She steps out in a black dress, her hair falling around her face. “Do I look

hot?” she asks in a semi sarcastic joking way. I blush and shuffle my feet.

Wow man. Reaaaal smooth. “You look absolutely beautiful.” She smiles and

gives an acknowledging half nod. “um, er…” I stutter and offer my arm. She

takes it and we are off the horse drawn chariot of the night.

“TAXI!!” I leap practically into the street before one of them stops. You gotta

be suicidal to get one of these things to stop. She smiles shyly and brushes

her hair out of her face real timid like. She slips in as I hold the door, and we

are off, careening around the corners in a fashion only NYC taxi drivers can

manage. She looks so pale against the long black dress and her deep

brown hair. But it’s not like I’m complaining! She’s, oh @#!*% , she’s

beautiful!! Not hot, beautiful, pale white, and so different from the other girls

considered “beautiful” today, I actually squirm in my seat a bit, all of a

sudden feeling nervous. She looks over at me and, oh God, what did I do to

deserve a person like her?! Oh crap she’s laughing! “er, did I do

something?” I flush. She puts her elbow against the window and leans on

her hand. “You’re staring at me.” My mouth opens a bit and I hear sounds

come out, but mostly they sound like “um, because-yeah, yuh, and, bu-

yeah” she laughs again and I get upset at myself for looking like such an

idiot. Apparently idiocrocy is cute, cuz she just smiles and grabs my hands.

Oh God, why did you give her such perfect eyes?! Her silver blue eyes are

looking right into mine, and if I was anyone but me, and she was anyone but

her, the taxi driver would have to be reaaaal focused to keep driving. Shut

up!!! I reprimand myself. She deserves better than that! She pulls my hands

and places them at the top oh her neck right below her jaw line, then does

this adorable thing where she shuts her eyes and tilts her head, like

suddenly she just got this major backrub all because I’m touching her throat.

I pull her head towards mine and softly kiss her forehead before resting my

nose against her forehead. Right then and there, I decide I can’t live without

♠ ♠ ♠
k, so this chapter was one of my FAVORITES to write, so on the off chance someone reads this, please give me a comment to tell me what you think!! <3