Save Me


Unpacking the last of my clothes, I sat on my new bed, sighing. Krista, my twin sister (even though we didn't look alike), sat next to me, giving me a half smile. “Why did we have to move?” I asked suddenly. She got up then walked around our new room, not answering my question. We both already knew why we had to move, but didn't want to say it.

Our dad got fired from his job for doing things there that I don't want to mention. We had to leave him, or at least, that's what our mother told us we had to do. They didn't have a divorce yet, but they're going to have one. But, right now, we're thousands of miles away from California, our old home. Now we're at Chicago, Illinois, planning our new futures without our father, the person who helped us through every problem we had throughout our lives.

It was close to Christmas and it was snowing out. I looked out the window, putting my messy black straight hair up. I saw little kids playing with the snow. The sight gave me a small smile, and I moved away from the window, looking around the room for the second time today. The walls were painted a medium brown and the two beds, where Krista and I had to sleep, were small and had red sheets. I took my pajamas and walked into the connecting bathroom, locking the door. The walls were red and the sink and toilet was white. I changed into my pajamas and sat on the toilet seat, thinking everything through.

A new school tomorrow. New people, new classes, new experiences, no dad.

Thinking of that last part made me cry.
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New story:)
This is also written with my best friend, Krayola.Krista. <3
