Frozen Prince

Surly with a kiss

The frantic whoosh of wind shaking the air could be heard from within the still house.
House more like a rotting shack, a desperate discovery in dire moments. A small salvation from the harsh forest frost. Dismal, damp, and cold
Most of all it was so cold, the cruel winter had swallowed the surrounding land with severe force. But I remember it.
I clung tightly to a moldy pillow on a tattered couch the musty smell infiltrated my nose. I was just a kid.

And I remember her-
young, she was so young...
so cold in my arms, so small.
Her face the palest white... porcelain, and her lips began to frost a blue like the fogged window of the shack.

Early morning was upon us, but there was no sun just gray. The darkest light there could ever be. A gray that filtered in through cracks in the wooden door.
A flimsy board propped over a hole in the wall. It was the best I could do... Could I have done better?

Blue. I remember.

Her lips where blue, hard like glass, cold like ice, and I was scared. For a time I sat I believed she would awaken. I believed she was a princess so fair and lovely that surely a fairy, a witch had cast a spell. Surly at a kiss she would awake, a sleeping beauty. It was cold surly she must be snow white. And I held her close.

She no longer shook with sobs or shivered at the chill like me. I no longer looked down to tearful frightful eyes as she lay in my arms for warmth, for comfort. Her once soft texture was now cold, the misty puffs of breath, the rise and fall of her body, lay forgotten, foreign to the statue in my arms. She lay in peaceful silence, a frozen princess.
And I knew she would not wake...

I cried, for her, for me. The whooshing of the wind, the constant whistle pierced my being. At some point I just laid staring. When the tears had dried, when the shaky breaths subsided. I just watched.

A frozen princess, with still breath. My sister 6 years of life 6 years of beauty.
And what of me?
A frozen prince, with only an extra 4 years to her 6?
Maybe soon....

I remember thinking...
Maybe soon that would be me. And together, we would be porcelain and blue.

I held my breath as it pressed in on me seeping through my cloths.
I breathed as it was slowly penetrating my skin. The bitter chill was rubbing it's self against me. Teasing me with death.

Is this how she felt?
I couldn't cry. Maybe the tears had frozen. But I wanted to as I felt myself begin to drain away.
Did she cry?
Did she want to?
Did she feel safe in my arms?
Had I betrayed her... could I have done better?

"I'm sorry,"
crisp fogy breath slithered forth at my last words... And suddenly I wasn't cold. I looked to her golden locks, her pale, pale face... Cheeks once rosy now white, lips once ruby now blue... skin once warm once soft, ice to the bone.

Porcelain and blue we rot away forgotten.
A prince and princess in the fury of winters harsh breath.
Cold, the ferocious creeper in the shadows luring us to deaths slow stroke.
And now I'm gone...