
Alana is just trying to get through high school in a small town and escape to big city college, and balance her boyfriend, friends and good grades. Her family is slowly drifting away now that her dad is gone and her older brother is in Europe. Her grandparents have left the town, and now it's just Alana and her mom. Her friends are more focused on settling down early than they are getting out of town.
Then, an old friend of hers comes back from a 5 year long disappearance. He's much more different than Alana remembers. And, he scares her. He's dark, mysterious- and he hates Alana's boyfriend. Then, he tells her something and three words change everything for her.
Suddenly, everything in the small town in the middle of nowhere where Alana grew up is more dangerous than the city at night. And Alana questions who's really on her side.
  1. Blast to the Past- 5 Years Ago
    Alana is left alone when a close friend mysteriously leaves town with his family.
  2. Part One- Chapter One
    Now in the present, Alana struggles to ignore rumors that could change her life yet again while pushing through school with her friends and picture perfect boyfriend.
  3. Chapter Two
    Alana unexpectedly runs into both the same annoying rumors from school and an old friend while running errands for her mom.
  4. Chapter Three
    Alana is confronted by her old friend, in both reality and in her dreams, and finds out some startling secrets about her friends.
  5. Chapter Four
    Alana decides not to let her recent discoveries get to her even after strange coincidences.
  6. Chapter Five
    Alana's dangerous situation finally catches up with her.
  7. Chapter Six
    Alana finally speaks up about her new and highly dangerous situation while being chased by two goons sent after her by a loved one.
  8. Part Two- Chapter Seven
    Alana confronts her boyfriend. Her old friend changes her life even more when he opens up about his life and what his family is really.