

I pressed down my skirt and waited patiently for the elevator to reach the lobby. I ran my fingers through my long wavy blonde hair and rubbed my lips together. The "ping" of the elevator doors caught my attention, I peered through the gradually opening gap in the doors and noticed a ridiculously handsome man standing in the elevator, he didn't notice me stepping in as he had his head buried in a case file. I reached forward to press my floor button but it was already pressed, so i retracted my hand from dangling in the air,

'Same floor' the man stated, I turned on my heel and smiled,

'Yep' I chirped, the man closed the file over and placed it under his arm,

'What brings you to the crime lab' he asked, I smiled and produced my resumé from my bag,

'Job interview' I explained, the mans eyes widened and he grinned widely reveiling his dimples,

'No kidding, day shift or night shift ?' he asked,

'Night shift' I stated, the man was about to speak when the elevator doors "pinged" again, we both stepped out of the elevator and stopped to speak,

'I take it you're looking for Grissoms office ?' he said as I looked around curiously,

'Yeah' I exclaimed and giggled slightly,

'Just down the corridor at the very end, you can't miss it' he chuckled, I smiled and ran my hands through my hair once more,

'I'm Nick, Nick Stokes' Nick said holding out his hand,

'Ally, Ally Anderson' I exclaimed and shook Nicks hand,

'Ooo nice hand shake' he chuckled, I laughed and headed down the corridor. I stopped outside Grissoms office and took five deep breaths. I had read every single article or paper Grissom had written and been to see everyone of his lectures. He was my idol, my hero, and I was about to sit down with himand possibly work for him. This was huge. I knocked on the wall as the door was already open, I could see Grissom, staring down at sone documents on his desk,

'Come in' he called, I walked in timidly and over to the desk, Grissom continued reading as I stood awkwardly waiting for further instruction. Grissom finally looked up and smiled,

'Please sit down' he said calmly, I quickly took a seat and smiled,

'Ms Anderson I assume ?' he asked, I nodded and handed him my resumé, he smiled and began reading it. We sat quietly for a few minutes when he eventually put it down on the desk,

'You were a criminal profiler for 4 years' he stated,

'Yes, I wanted to be in the law enforcement career, helping people. Profiling was brilliant, and I was pretty good at it if I must say so myself, but it wasn't what I wanted to do. I got 100% in every science exam I've ever done. You probably get this a lot but you are my hero, I've been following you're articles and papers and lectures since I was seventeen. This wasn't just a quick a career choice, I've always wanted to be a CSI, I just hope you accept me for this job' I explained, Grissom pursed his lips and glanced down at my resumé once more. My attention was caught by a glass tank on the desk, I leaned down and peered in at the tank,

'Brachypelma boehmei, commonly known as the mexican fire leg' I mumbled, Grissom jumped up and looked at me interesedly,

'Correct' he stated, I smiled and sat back up,

'It says here at the California CSI you were a CSI level 2' Grissom said, I nodded and pushed my bangs back,

'I guess that means tomorrow you'll be doing some field work' he exclaimed with a smile, my jaw dropped and jumped up from the chair,

'Oh my God thank you so much' I cried as I pulled Grissom into a hug, he looked shocked and handed me a pager,

'Be in here tomorrow at 7pm on the dot' he explained, I nodded and fixed myself quickly before power walking back to the elevator so I could scream with joy.
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First Chapter, This One I'm Excited About, And I'm Grounded So I'll Have No Choice But To Update Daily :) COMMENT PLEASE