
Young Naive Allison

Grissom and I made our way up a small driveway to a house which was the crime scene of a horrific murder, we entered the house and headed up the stairs. David was already there, painfully nervous as usual, he stood over the bathtub looking rather queasy. I walked over and looked in, there in the blood filled bath were the cut remains of a young woman, I turned on my heel and looked at Grissom, he raised his eyebrow,

'It's pretty bad' I mumbled, Grissom chuckled and joined us at the bath, he put on his latex gloves and began examining the body parts. I also put my gloves on and made my way over to the sink, there were bloody fingerprints on the sink that looked like who ever had there hands on it were pulled off it, I took a picture of the finger prints and took the finger prints, I continued searching the scene, I looked closely at the mirror above the sink, at the bottom corner of the mirror was what looked like blood and hair, I took a picture and collected the hair, I got a cotton swab and tested the red substance, it was blood,

'What do you think happened here ?' David asked, I pursed my lips and thought,

'I'd say she struggled, the finger prints on the sink look as though she tried holding on to it to and he pulled her away' I explained, Grissom nodded and listened,

'Is there any sign on the head that she may have hit it off something ?' I asked, Grissom examined the head,

'No cuts or marks' he said,

'Well I found blood and hairs on the mirror, maybe she fought back and the killer hit his head' I stated, Grissom came over and looked at my findings,

'Brilliant' he said with a smiled and handed the evidence to David,

'Get this back to the lab' he said, David looked confused but nodded, he began bagging the body parts and when he had everything bagged he headed off back to the lab, Grissom began swabbing the blood in the bath as I examined the carpet just outside the bathroom door, I knelt down and noticed blood drops leading down the hallway, I followed them down the stairs and to the front door, I followed them outside and they stopped at the trashcan, I opened the lid and glanced in, there at the top was a bloody white towel, I opened an evidence bag and placed it in,

'Hey, what's that ?' I hared someone call, I turned around and saw Nick, I smiled and held up the bag,

'Any sign of the weapon ?' he asked, I sighed and shook my head,

'Heard you and Greg were pretty pally this morning' he chuckled, I frowned and began laughing,

'I'm here a week and the work rumors are already starting' I laughed, Nick smiled sheepishly and pulled me into a sideways hug,

'I'm only pulling your leg, just Warrick seemed very concerned earlier' he explained, I frowned,

'Why would he be concerned ?' I gasped, Nick laughed once more and ruffled my hair,

'Young naive Allison' he teased and made his way into the house. I arrived back at the lab with the towel and began to process it, I ran the blood on the towel against the victims blood but there was no match. I headed into the break room for a quick sit down, I grabbed my salad out of the fridge and sat down at the table, I wasn't hungry, I wanted to solve this case, I opened the case file and began reading all the evidence,

'Not hungry ?' Warrick asked as he walked into the room, I shook my head and sighed, he grabbed his sandwich out of the fridge and sat down in front of me,

'May I ?' he asked, pointing at the case file, I smiled and nodded,

'Sure, knock yourself out' I chuckled and sipped my bottle of water, Warrick pursed his lips and placed the file on the table,

'Sounds like the guy your looking for is the ex husband' Warrick explained, I nodded,

'He's a butcher and he has motive' he stated,

'I know, we're working on a warrant for his DNA' I explained, Warrick nodded and smiled,

'You'd never know you're only a beginner' Warrick exclaimed, I giggled,

'You think ?' I asked, he nodded, just then Greg appeared,

'You got your warrant' he exclaimed, I jumped from my chair and followed Greg down the corridor,

'Grissom's waiting for us outside' Greg explained as we headed into the elevator, we were the only ones in the there, when the doors closed, I turned to Greg and smiled, he pulled me into a kiss, I responded quickly but pulled back,

'Hey, want to go to the movies when we get off ?' I asked, he smiled and nodded, when the doors opened we headed out to Grissom, I glanced at Greg and he had a huge grin spread across his face, I smiled and felt happy.
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Sorry I Took So Long To Update. I is Sick :( Hope You Enjoyed This Terrible Chapter :( Please Comment xxx