

We arrived at Tom Granger's house, the victims ex husband. I knocked on the door heavily and waited for a response, suddenly the door opened and there stood Tom Granger, he looked frustrated,

'I told you people before, come back when you have a warrant' he shouted and began to shut the door, I put my foot in the door and waved the warrant in his face,

'And that's exactly what we did' I exclaimed and pushed the door fully open, Greg, Grissom walked in as I took out a cotton swab,

'Open wide' I teased, he reluctantly opened his mouth and I swabbed the inside of cheek and put it away, I continued my way inside the house and followed Greg into the kitchen, we began examining all the knives when Tom came storming in,

'Does warrant say you can look through all my stuff ?' he barked,

'Yes it does' I stated and handed him the warrant, he sat down and began reading it,

'Hey come here and look at this' I heard Grissom call from outside, we wondered out to the back yard and down the garden path to small work shed, there was a lock on the door and Grissom stood beside it,

'Greg, could you open this lock please ?' Grissom said, Greg smiled and nodded,

'Sure thing' he said and headed off back to his car to get the lock cutter, Tom came outside and saw us at the shed, his face dropped and he ran down the garden,

'There's no need to look in there' he yelped and jumped in front of the door, Grissom smirked and shook his head,

'Well we're going to anyway' Grissom laughed, Greg arrived back with the lock cutter,

'Now sir if you wouldn't mind moving out of the way' Greg said, Tom grew angry and slowly walked out of the way, Greg quickly broke the lock off and threw it on the ground, he opened the door and we walked in the shed and immediately over to the work bench, lying on the bench was a bloody butchers knife, I put my gloves on and picked up the knife, I strolled outside and showed Grissom the knife,

'How much are you betting we'll find the victims blood on this' I exclaimed, Grissom smiled, Tom growled from behind me and before I knew it Tom had jumped on top of me and was trying to pull the knife out of my hand, he elbowed me in the face, I struggled to fight back when Greg and Grissom ran over,

'Get your hands off her' Greg yelled and pulled Tom off me, I took a few deep breaths and Grissom helped me up, Greg held back Tom as I placed the knife in an evidence bag,

'Yeah, you're making yourself look really innocent' Grissom teased as he helped me back to the car. I arrived back at the lab with knife and holding an ice pack to my lip, Warrick came walking down the corridor and gasped when he saw me,

'What the hell happened ?' he asked, he ran to me and examined my lip,

'Let's just the suspect wasn't to happy with us catching him out' I laughed, Warrick's eyes widened and he led me into the break room,

'Sit down, I'll get you a new ice pack and and cloth to wrap it up in' he exclaimed, I laughed and smiled,

'I'm fine really' I explained and laughed, Warrick handed me the ice pack and smiled,

'Let's process that knife and solve this case' he said and we headed to the DNA lab. When the results came in, I grinned widely, positive match to our victim, I ran down the corridor to Grissom,

'It's time to arrest this guy' I exclaimed, Grissom looked up at me and smiled,

'We already did, he attacked you, just now we can charge him with murder' Grissom chuckled, I smiled,

'Awesome' I exclaimed and headed to the restroom. I splashed cold water on my face and began to re apply my make up, I examined the cut on my lip and sighed. I had been looking forward to not getting cuts and bruises in this job unlike my FBI days and now my first week in and I'm attacked by a suspect. I laughed nervously and ran my hands through my hair, I stood up straight and took a deep breath before exiting to the locker room. I opened my locker and took my bag out, Greg strolled in and opened his locker, he looked at me and looked worried,

'Are you ok ?' he asked, I nodded and pulled him into a hug, he squeezed me tightly and pulled back, he placed his hands on my face and ran his finger over the cut on my lip,

'You ready to go to the movies ?' I asked, he grinned widely and pulled a bag out of his locker,

'I always have a change of clothes in case an occasion such as this would arise' he teased, I laughed and pulled the small summer flowery dress from my bag,

'Me too' I chuckled and we both headed off to get changed.
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Ok, Not A Very Good Chapter, But I Hope You Enjoyed It :) Comment PLEASE. :D