
"Good friends"

Greg's Point Of View:

I woke up the next morning to a low growling sound, I reluctanly opened one eye and saw Onyx baring her teeth at me, I frowned and rolled onto my back. Ally lay fast asleep beside me, I smiled and sat up, I looked around the room and saw our clothes scattered everywhere, I laughed quietly and looked back at Ally, she was waking up and rubbing her eyes, I placed leaned over her and kissed her gently, she giggled and pushed me back, she sat up and pulled her sheet around her,

'One second' she exclaimed tip toeing over to her drawers and taking something from them she ran into the bathroom and shut the door, I gingerly grabbed my boxers and put them on quickly and checked my phone, no messages, oh well I didn't care. I was pretty much in heaven at the moment, I picked up Onyx quickly and petted her when the bathroom door opened, Ally had put some underwear on and as she was walking back grabbed my shirt and threw it on, I laughed and grinned widely,

'Looks better on you' I admitted, she gushed and pushed me over on the bed, she leaned over me and kissed me, I ran my hands up her body and rested my hand on her lower back, she stopped suddenly when both our pagers began beeping, I sighed loudly and grabbed it,

'Damn it' she growled, and threw it down on the bed, she ran to her closet and began pulling out clothes, I grabbed my jeans and and socks and began getting changed. When Ally gave me back my t-shirt and she began searching for something to wear,

'I don't have any work clothes' she sighed, I laughed and looked through her clothes, I picked a pair of jeans and threw them at her,

'No Greg, these are sexy jeans' she complained I laughed and shook my head,

'What ? Just put them on or we're going to be late, she quickly pulled them on and zipped them, she turned around reveiling they were tight in the place, they really were sexy jeans. I laughed and now helped her look for a top, I grabbed a random white tank and handed her it, she pulled it on quickly, it showed some cleavage, she looked hot. I smiled as she pulled on her boots and grabbed her kit and jacket from the closet, we ran down the stairs and into my car which was luckily parked outside, we drove quickly to the address and hoped we weren't too late. When we arrived it appeared to be a shoot off between suspects and police gone wrong, I looked at Ally and sighed,

'Lots of bullets to collect' I groaned, we got out of the car and headed towards the crime scene tape.

*Ally's point of view*

Greg lifted up the tape and I walked under the tape and Greg was quickly behind, I strolled over to Warrick and Nick, Warrick's face lit up when he saw me but Nick had his back to me, Greg had stopped to talk to Sara and Grissom so I went over by myself,

'Damn you look good today, all dressed up for work' Warrick teased, I chuckled loudly and pulled on my CSI jacket, Nick turned to face me and grinned widely and took off his cap, I gasped as I noticed Nick had shaved his hair off,

'Wow so does Nick' I said shocked at how amazingly well this suited him,

'Hey, thanks Ally' he gushed, Warrick frowned and looked beyond me,

'What the hell is Hodges doing here ?' Warrick asked, I turned on my heel to see Hodges pottering over to us with his hands in his pockets,

'Hello' he greeted casually, I smiled, Nick nodded, Warrick frowned,

'What are doing here Hodges ?' he asked, Hodges grinned widely and pointed at me,

'I'm here to help the lady collect all the bullets' he stated in a cheesy tone, I sighed and smiled,

'Come on Hodges' I chuckled and lead him down the street, we placed markers at all the bullets and snapped pictures,

'So I saw you and Greg arriving together' he stated, I frowned and picked up a bullet,

'Yes Hodges, we're good friends who carpool together, save the planet and what not' I mumbled and pretended it was nothing, Hodges narrowed his eyes to the slight smirk of my lip and grinned again,

'Oh "good friends", I get it' he murmured, I jumped up and looked at him,

'Yes Hodges. That is it' I said and placed the bullet in my kit, Hodges raised his eyebrow and chuckled,

'Ok' he said before continuing down the line of bullets.
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SORRY. crap chap. Veryy busy. please comment x