

I grumbled angry thoughts to myself as I searched yet another dumpster for weapons that may have been dumped, the nauseating smell was getting too much and I decided to take a break and hang my head over the side. I looked up and saw Warrick walking over to me with a bottle of water, I grinned widely and waved,

'Here you go Greggo' he exclaimed and handed me the water, I took the water and gulped down a good amount of the water,

'Find anything ?' he asked, I shook my head and sighed,

'Except for that' he chuckled loudly and pointed to my shoulder, I turned my head slowly and saw a rotten banana peel on my shoulder, I freaked and had a mini heart attack as I push it off my shoulder as if it were a radio active spider, Warrick found this undoubtedly amusing and was basically on the floor laughing,

'Gross' I uttered and shivered thinking of how unclean I must be, Warrick took a few deep breaths and tried to regain his composure, I frowned and took another drink from the water,

'Oh that was too funny' he chuckled quietly, I growled,

'Moving on, I see you and Ally are pretty close' he stated, my heart beat faster, I knew I couldn't say anything about us so I laughed nervously and nodded,

'Yeah, we're like best friends' I chuckled, Warrick pursed his lips, with his sun glasses on he made me feel intimidated,

'I thought I was your best friend' he gasped playfully, I laughed feeling relieved that he believed it and continued searching the dumpster, I could here Warrick's phone ringing but continued searching,

'Hello' he answered, I saw something out of the corner of my eye,

'Seriously ? Good job baby girl, we'll keep an eye out for the gun' he said and hung up the phone, I knew it was Ally that was on the phone, I bent down and moved some garbage off a metal object,

'Greg the gun that killed the 3 victims was a fl..' he began but I quickly cut in,

'Flare gun' I chuckled proudly and revealed the flare gun I had just found, Warrick frowned and chuckled playfully, I placed the gun in an evidence bag and jumped out of the dumpster, Warrick and I headed up the street towards Grissom,

'Oh thank God it's the weekend' Warrick sighed as he checked his phone, I smiled and nodded,

'I know' I exclaimed, thinking of the two days off we were going to have,

'We should all go out again' he chirped, I smiled and nodded, I knew Warrick liked Ally and didn't know how I felt about the whole situation,

'You, Me, Nicky, Ally and Hannah, I don't think Gris and Catherine will come again' he chuckled, I laughed and thought for a moment,

'Why dosen't Sara come ?' I asked, Warrick stopped and looked at me,

'She's really not in a good place at the moment, she was talking about leaving the other day' Warrick stated, I stood shocked for a moment and pursed my lips, we continued on over to Grissom and Ally who were laughing hysterically, Warrick raised his eyebrow and I laughed in surprise, it took a lot to make Grissom laugh,

'What's going on here ?' Warrick asked, Ally and Grissom straightened up and smiled,

'Nothing' Ally giggled, Grissom looked at Ally and the two began laughing again,

'You wouldn't get it' Grissom stated and looked at the evidence bag in my hand,

'You found the gun' he gasped, I nodded enthusiastically, Ally revealed her evidence bag with the flare gun shells in it,

'I did indeed' I chuckled and handed the gun to Grissom,

'Warrick, you and Ally take all this back to the lab' Grissom stated, Warrick nodded and Ally laughed and the two headed off, I frowned and turned on heel to go back to work.

*Warrick's Opinion*

I got into the jeep and waited for Ally to get in, I pulled my seat belt on and turned the key in the ignition, Ally put her seat belt on and relaxed back into the seat as I pulled out of the space, once we began driving I began humming along to a song in my head,

'Nice and slow' she chuckled, I nodded impressed with her music knowledge,

'Yeah' I said with a nod and a smile,she also smiled and put the window down slightly,

'How are you finding your new life ? I mean moving to a new state and getting a new job must take a lot out of you ?' I asked, interested to find out more about Ally,

'It's different' she giggled, I smiled and kept my eye on the road,

'The whole getting off work at 6 am and going to sleep until like 2 in the day is a bit weird, I do miss the night life, but then again I love my job' she explained, I smiled and nodded as we pulled into the labs car park,

'It does take a lot of getting used to' I stated as I pulled into a parking space,

'I do miss California' she admitted, I smiled and placed my hand on her shoulder,

'Don't worry, it's only like an hour and half drive' I chirped, she smiled and we got out of the car.
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Sorry for the such late update :( Been so busy lately, My dog was sick too. School's taking up a lot of time but it's midterm now so more soon, possibly tonight ;D