
My First Case

I quickly jumped in the passenger seat of Greg's jeep, he got in at the drivers seat and turned on the radio. I fastened my seat belt as we pulled out of the crime lab garage. We stopped at traffic lights and Greg quickly put a C.D into the radio, as we began to drive again Marylin Manson began playing, I laughed quietly to myself as Greg attempted to sing along,

'Not a Marylin Manson fan ?' he chuckled, I ran my hands through my hair and smiled,

'He's....erm..ok' I laughed, Greg grinned and highered the volume up. We pulled up at the crime scene where a large group of press cameras and reporters where set up around the crime scene tape. We got out of the car when Grissom and Warrick pulled up behind us, we all got our kits and made our way over to the crime scene. Greg held the tape up for me and I scurried under quickly,

'Thanks' I mumbled, he laughed and followed under. The coroner and the assistant M.E were already on the scene examining the body. We glanced over and saw a young girl stuffed in a plastic trash bag, she had been dumped behind a dumpster. I sighed and put my gloves on, Warrick began taking pictures,

'Hey Doctor Robbins, I'm Ally' I greeted, he looked up at me and grinned,

'So you're the new girl' he teased, I laughed as this was the forth time someone had said this to me,

'This is David' he said pointing to the man beside him, he was little dorky and looked nervous,

'Hello' I chirped, Warrick stepped forward and placed his hand on my shoulder,

'Now we all know each other, let's get to work' he teased, Grissom laughed and nodded,

'Yes lets' Grissom stated. Greg and I got assigned the job of looking through the dumpster for evidence,

'Us newbie's get the best job' Greg whispered to me, I chuckled and continued searching. I stopped suddenly when I found a bloody cloth, I picked it up and unravelled it to find a knife covered in blood,

'Hey Grissom, I have something' I called as Greg leaned over my shoulder to look at what I had found,

'Good find' he gasped, Grissom took the cloth and knife from me and looked at Warrick,

'Get me an evidence bag' he said, Warrick strolled off to get a bag, Grissom examined the knife and smiled,

'Great job Ms Anderson' he exclaimed, Warrick came back with a bag and the knife and cloth were put away. Greg jumped out of the dumpster and held his out to me, I took his hand and slowly jumped from the dumpster, Greg caught me and smiled. We headed back to the lab to process the plastic bag, the cloth and the knife, I dusted the handle of the knife for prints and checked the blood on the knife. I sat waiting for the results to come in and spun around in my chair,

'Good use of your time' Warrick chuckled from the door, I stopped the chair and looked up at him, I burst out laughing, he walked into the room and stood looking at the computer,

'You got a finger print match' he exclaimed, I jumped from the chair and ran over to him,

'A man named Russel Brooks' he stated, I smiled and printed the page off,

'Any hits on the blood ?' he asked, I shook my head,

'It matches the victims but the DNA isn't in the system' I sighed, Warrick rubbed my arm and smiled,

'Don't worry we'll I.D her' he reassured me, I smiled and nodded. I strolled down to Grissoms office and handed him the suspects information,

'Thank you' he exclaimed and began reading the paper, Greg came charging in with a sheet of paper in his hand,

'Grissom I got prints off the plastic bag, they belong to man named Ru..'Greg began but he was cut off by Grissom,

'Russel Brooks' Grissom said, looking up at Greg, Greg looked puzzled,

''d you know ?' he asked confused, Grissom grinned widely and looked at me,

'You beat me to it ?' he gasped looking at me, I nodded and burst out into laughter. I heard later that night that Russel was arrested and the woman's name was Lacey Turner. I sat in the locker room feeling like tonight had been an overall success, I was extremely tired, I opened my locker and took my bag out,

'Well, well, look who got the job' I heard a strong Southern accent say, I turned on my heel and saw Nick standing in the doorway, I grinned widely,

'Ah hello Mr Stokes' I teased and closed my locker,

'I heard your first case was a success' he exclaimed,

'It was indeed' I said with a smile, Nick grinned and high fived me, I giggled and put my bag on my shoulder,

'Well Warrick, Greg and me are heading out for coffee and pancakes, you wanna come ?' he asked, I smiled and nodded,

'Yeah, I'd love to' I said and followed Nick outside.
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