
Drinking, Dancing, A Little Bit Of Kissing

I had just finished my make up and began to do my hair, I was standing in my underwear in my bathroom getting ready for tonight. It was half eight in the evening, we were all meeting up at "Haze" nightclub at eleven, but Warrick, Nick and Greg were coming to my apartment at ten for some drinks and to meet Hannah. I began to take the rollers out of my hair and sipped my glass of champagne, I tip toed out of the room where Hannah sat at the mirror fixing her own hair. I opened my wardrobe and took out a little black dress. I quickly got dressed and put on my red strappy heels. I looked over at Hannah, she was wearing a purple dress and black heeled mules. I filled up my glass of champagne when my apartment buzzer rang. I raised my eyebrow and looked at the clock it was five past ten, I jumped from the sofa and answered the apartment buzzer phone,

'Hey' I exclaimed and ran my fingers through my hair,

'Let us in, it's freezing out here' Warrick chuckled, I giggled slightly and buzzed them in, I opened the door and waited. The three guys came strolling up the corridor, Warrick was wearing jeans a blue shirt and a brown leather jacket, Nick was wearing black jeans a white shirt and a black suit jacket, Greg was wearing a navy blazer, a Beatles t-shirt and jeans, Warrick stopped in front of the door,

'Whoa you look amazing' he said and hugged me, I giggled and hugged him back, it was clear they had a few drinks before coming here. Warrick walked in through to the living room, Nick grinned at me and hugged me,

'You look gorgeous' he chuckled and followed Warrick through, Greg looked at me and smiled, he hugged me gently,

'You look beautiful' he whispered into my ear, I grinned and released him from the hug,

'Thank you' I mumbled, he shut the door and I lead him into the living room where Warrick and Nick had already started talking with Hannah,

'Greg, this is Hannah' I said as I introduced the pair, Hannah smiled and waved, Greg waved back shyly, I walked over to my kitchen and opened the fridge,

'What do you guys want to drink, I've got basically everything ?' I asked, Greg walked over to me and sat on a stool in front of the breakfast bar,

'I'll have beer, please' he said, I smiled and handed him a beer,

'Yeah I'll have a beer too' Warrick and Nick said in unison and then burst out laughing, we all chuckled and I handed the two beers.I went back to the fridge and took out a bottle of beer for myself. I tried to twist the cap off as I had lost my bottle opener when I was moving, I was unsuccessful, Greg watched me with a smile on his face and held out his hand, I sighed and passed him the bottle, he opened it in one try and and passed it back to me, I giggled slightly and took a sip from the bottle,

'Thanks' I said and walked around to his side of the breakfast bar,

'Come on lets sit with everyone else' I exclaimed and pulled his arm, he reluctantly got up and followed me back to the others, the sofa was full and all that was left available was one armchair,

'Sit there Greg' I said and pointed at the armchair, he nodded and sat down, the others were in deep conversation about Las Vegas, I looked around the room for somewhere to sit, Greg grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his knee, I laughed and began listening in to the conversation. We arrived at the club at five past eleven, we all sat down at a corner table and Nick and Hannah went to get everyone's drinks,

'Anyone have any idea where Grissom and Catherine are ?' I asked, Greg shrugged his shoulders and relaxed back into seat, Warrick looked around and frowned,

'I'm not sure' he sighed and sat back down, Nick and Hannah arrived back laughing with the drinks, Nick handed me my mojito,

'Thank you' I exclaimed, I sipped my drink and glanced around once more for Grissom and Catherine, I grinned when I saw them walking towards us,

'Oh sorry guys, I didn't get you drinks, I'll go now' Nick said jumping from his seat,

'I'll go with you' Catherine added and the two walked off, Greg and I scooched over and Grissom sat in the booth,

'Hannah, this is Grissom' I said introducing them, Hannah shook Grissoms hand and I sipped more of my drink, I got excited when a familiar song began to play,

'Is anyone going to dance ?' I asked, Hannah nodded and followed me to the dance floor. After an hour or so of drinking and dancing, we were all pretty drunk, I fixed my lipstick and popped it back in my bag, I pulled my dress up. I strolled out of the bathroom feeling pretty dizzy and saw Greg waiting for me at the door back into the main club, I smiled and stopped in front of him,

'Hey' he whispered,

'Hey' I chuckled, the music from the dance floor was beating through the walls,

'Do you think maybe we could go out sometime, like on a date ?' Greg mumbled,

'Definitely ' I purred, I noticed how close we had gotten and before I know it I was kissing Greg, and I enjoyed it, I threw my arms around his neck and pulled back,

'What's a girl like you doing with a guy like me ?' he asked and dropped his head, I placed my hand on his face and lifted it up to look at me,

'You are amazing' I gasped and kissed him again.
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Sorry It Was So bad Guys. I Was In School Today And I'm Wrecked :Z Hope You Enjoyed It Anyway, Please Comment :)