Dont They Know Love Wont Lie, John O'Callaghan.


It had been a couple of months since, I had told John that I wasn't going to be his girlfriend, fiancée, baby, etc. Quite frankly, he was a bit pissed at me. Which I didn’t mind, I was pissed too. Being unfaithful is a choice not a mistake. People should take precautions, and more importantly. People should be smarter when their picking out freaking interest.

Me and Sophia were hanging out for the day, considering it was Saturday and we haven’t had a day to ourselves in forever. We decided to go to this really mall, where it had a carnival outside of it. Sophia loved carnivals, and more importantly she loved being outside.

“Soph. You know mommy cant get on any rides with you, right?” I was about six months pregnant and walking was starting to take a toll on me. This sucker was about to pop, I tell you. Me and John during the times we were talking decided on her name. Alice Elizabeth O’Callaghan. We had combined the middle names of her mothers. I’ve never had this many complications before with Sophia. But then again, it had been five years since I last had a kid.

Sophia was in the back clutching her doll, Maria. “I know. Maria can go on rides with me!” Maria was the present I got her awhile back, she loved that doll to death.

I was almost to the mall, when I saw something fast fly towards my car. My first reaction was to scream.


Elsie was not a bad driver, she was following all the rules. Like she was supposed to, she made signals and crossed lanes when people let her. And she’d go when the green light says go, and stop when the red light says stop. It wasn't her fault that this truck rammed into the side of her car. It wasn't her fault that her life and more importantly Sophia’s life was on the line.

The dark blue pick up truck drove Elsie’s little car into the side of a pole, just missing Sophia’s side. Instead the pole smashed the passenger side and completely destroyed it. Sophia hit her head on the window and knocked out, being able to breath. She wasn't dead, and she wasn't in any kind of condition to where she could have her life on the line. Which was relieving, later.

Elsie on the other hand was stuck in between the mashed up side of her passenger side to the truck on her side. Glass was shattered all over her body, blood was falling down her face and arms. Her breaths were short and fast. She couldn’t move anything, and she wasn't freaking out over her herself. She was freaking out for Sophia’s sake.

Half an hour later, Elsie eye’s were rolling to the back of her head. She was starting to feel a little light headed and she felt like she could take the longest nap. Ambulances and fire fighters had managed to remove the truck and tried to get Elsie out.

“M’am, if you can hear me. You have to speak up, your in critical condition.” The medic was shocked to see this pregnant women still alive after this crash.

Elsie didn’t want to be touched, “S-stop!” Elsie wiggled in pain of the medic’s touch.

“M’am, we have to get you out. You might not survive if we don’t.” He was hoping those scary words would make her realize at what state she was in.

Elsie’s whole body shook with pain, but she managed to get out, “Sophia. Get Sophia first, Soph-Sophia.”

The Medic moved his head around and noticed the limp little girl, “Oh Jesus, guys! We got another one, we have another one in the back! Grab the scissors, get her out, now!” Two medics rushed over and climbed into the shattered car to cut the seatbelt and free the little girl who seemed untouched from the glass. Bruising from the impact of the window and the seat belt were the only marks.

After they removed Sophia, they started working on Elsie. She was tangled in the mess of glass, seat belts, and ruined car pieces. They managed to get her out, hopefully in the less painful way possible. They sent her to the Hospital hoping they’d be able to save her in time, Elsie’s time was limited.

The medic leaned against the car and pressed a hand to his head, he knew that the baby carried inside her; was not going to make it. It made him upset, that innocent people die without it being their time or fault.

He more than hoped the girl would make it, she hardly looked over twenty. And that little girl, clearly was her daughter. Someone had to be here for the little girl, if the mother didn’t make it. He searched in the car for some type of cell phone or planner, something that had numbers.

He finally found the cell phone and surprisingly it was untouched by the damaged. He flipped open the open hoping to find mom or dad in the emergency contact list. Instead he found five guys. He noticed the first one was John, he’d try that first.

He had no luck, and tried the next one. Garrett, again no luck. He finally called Kennedy and there was an answer. “Hello, yes. Is there a John with you?”

Kennedy sounded a bit cautious, “Yes…why?”

The medic wasn't sure of how he should break this down, “Um, well I had received a call an hour ago about a car accident, and the young lady that is the owner of this phone is in very critical condition, and there was a kid in the b-“

“Oh shit! John, listen to this right fucking now, dude.” You could hear Kennedy scrambling.

John finally got a hold of this phone, “What?” He sounded annoyed.

“Uh, yes John? I assume. Well, what is your relationship with the owner of this phone?”

“Who, Elsie? She’s my ex girlfriend and the mother of my kid and my other kid. Why?”

The medic was confused, “You had two? There was only one in the ba-oh. Sir, can get to Scottsdale, Arizona any time within the hour? The young lady or Elsie as you called her had been apart of a very bad car accident. And your child was in the back seat, I would hope you can make it in time.”

The other line was completely silent, “Is this a joke?”

“No, sir. I’m not allowed to leak out much more information over the phone, you will be informed when you get to the hospital. Would you like the address?”

John’s voice cracked, “Yes.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, first of all. I had already planned this, before hand.
That was the big twist.

I was crying so hard while i was typing this. Maybe
writing this was not a good idea right then. This just
made me think about Gage. :(
RIP Gage<3.